I'm using Crosstab Expert (ver XI) to create a report like a crosstab but i don't need the summaries. The rows will be part # and the column will be customer. The supposed summary would be selling_price. One of the key aspects of the reports is to compare customer pricing and if customer...
I have to create a formula something like this:
if {order_qty}/{case_pack_qty} <> WHOLE NUMBER then "NOT FULL CASE PACK" else ""
How do I determine whether or not {order_qty}/{case_pack_qty} actually equals a whole number or if it has a fraction. Basically if it does not divide evenly I need...
Close. The only problem is that there are multiple sales rep so I need this formula:
global numbervar mod110;
for each group not the report footer. Would a reset formula work? Any ideas?
I'm writing a sales report that
first: shows our sales reps what models they've sold to their customers
second: how many customers they've sold each model
third: what % of they're customers have bought each model #
Report should look like this:
Model_110 Model_120 Model_130...
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