Thanks again lbass....
My start date (WIP Started) will always be before my end date (WIP First Stamped) as far as the data goes.
My assumption is that this bit of code in the WORK DAYS formula from K. Hamandy would prevent it from producing a negative amount of days...
Thanks for the post lbass. I'm converting the hours to minutes towards the end of the calculation.
in the example
HD0000000187669 June 5, 2009 12:00 June 8, 2009 6:00 420
6/5 @ 12pm to 6/5 @ 7pm (end of tour) = 7 hours
6/8 @ 6am is before the beginning of the tour thus 0 hours.
7 hours...
I am working on a report that calculates the number of hours necessary to resolve technical issues. Each ticket contains a Start and End Date/Time
I have used Ken Hamandys solution to calculate this value excluding Holidays and Weekends and it seems to work except -
The only issue that remains...
Although I do not have the level of access to the app needed to view the data type of the field in question... I always assumed it was a dateTime.
Below is a pull of the fields from the app that I am reporting on.
Case ID+ Arrival Date/Time Work In Progress.TIM...
Thanks so much lbass,
That got me much closer... but unfortunately I'll have to account for the fact that my times are not in military (23:00:00) format but in serial (11:00:00 PM) format.
I'm thinking I'll need to do the reverse of the TimeSerial function to convert before I drop into the...
Thanks to smmedeiros for the posting and thanks to lbass for the reference to kenhamady solutions. I hope you neither of you mind if I jump in here as I am trying to accomplish the same thing. I have successfully implemented the solution proposed, but find as the formula states, I do receive...
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