Hi Ace.
Sure and never doupted your word, but the issues sometimes are never the same thing isn't!? For a type like you tested with that kind of recordsource is most compreensive that was no problemo, otherwise you had told me.
Yes, in the first post i mentioned access 07. I was using access...
OK. I just solve this issue.
First of all the problem wasn't from the Access window be or not hide, the question resided in the Switchboard code. When ever you hit the link option in Swicthboard to open the specific form he allways be opened in add record. So i changed this Line.
From this...
Well, it seems that only with the Access window visible i can go to the last record!? Is that no way to go Last record hidden Acces window? what a bummer..
I prefer both! i dont know wy but.
I put an example if anyone want to download go ahead!!
Make your life an example for a better world.
If you wanna open by the button, insert this code on dbclick event of the button.
- Change all named (cmdButton) to your named button.
- Change "C:\...\yourfileroot.xls " to your root file.
- You can choose to open in the desired sheet to! In the code where says "Your sheet".
- And make...
Hi muras
So let see. You converted to display like a icon and want to dblclick to open it? From the icon or in the button?
In property sheet of the icon go to Data an enable it! Then in form view try dblclick and see if is this do you want.
Make your life an example for a better world.
Lets see, you want to open an excel sheet to be able to work from a form on access, or considering import that sheet to a table the specific records?
I suggest that you explain waht realy want to do, and mention version of access and if is an OLE object type?
Just trying to help...
I think we are talking about the same, so give an example to which I refer. Enable vba macro and see what I mean. (small file)
Make your life an example for a better world.
Well, if thinking about the subject and perhaps some 50 daily .. are not so many!? isn't!?
You tell me that you try it an works like a charm? hmmmm
Hey missinglinq
Yes, and you should have all the reason, probably the best way to do this kind of work is as you say, but this kind of...
It seems that i have to make my db with windows database visible (not hide) if i wanna to go last record. Very annoying and hard to believe that never happening before with another nerd :P. Sugestions are very apreciated!??
Make your life an example for a better world.
Since there was no answer in this forum, I moved to here
Any hint is welcome to resolve this thread.
Make your life an example for a better world.
Private flgCurrent As Boolean
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Form_Current() 'on Load event is the same, and on open event no error and not popup to
With Me.Recordset
If Not (flgCurrent Or .BOF Or .EOF) Then 'with or without Me.NewRecord
'from default "Num" is the...
Hi phv
In this case 'Private or Public'no error, opens the form yes but aint goes to last record. Set focus to "Num" ok but can't even manualy go to previous record! hmm almost there i guess!?
Make your life an example to help development in a better world.
I know that ehe.. AceMen work very hard, but here is very very important your other job (joke) ;)!
So Public to be assume for all database ins't it!?
Yap, same result. run-time error 3021
Google already to find a answer but not easy. just need this to be finish with this db.
Hi skip
Yes I realized that:). I put a thread there.
with the ability to acemen I tried to get where I want to come but have not managed yet...
and i just need this to finish my work
tankyouuu!! and if you have any idea i'm here
like this?
Private flgCurrent As Boolean
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Form_Current()
If flgCurrent = False Then
DoCmd.GoToControl "Num"
flgCurrent = True
End If
End Sub
nop! remain the same...
I could give you more ideas if I knew more of...
hmm ok! My thoughts?
Manually i can not goto another record! i try this yes.
I realise that on open or load event:
'DoCmd.Runcommand acCmdRecordodGoTOLast
'DoCmd.GotoRecord , , acLastRecord
stay the same!
So, that procedure 'Current' ok i understand! but what now..
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