but it doesn't work though.. i'm guessing there are some problems at these lines?
open (LIST1, "tab_delimited.txt");
while (<LIST1>) {
($id, $product, $ec) = split(/\t/, $_);
$hash{$id} = [$product, $ec];
open (LIST2, "tab.txt");
while(<LIST2>) {...
Hi, I am encountering some problem with looping here. How do get this line "if ($line =~ m ($gene)) {" to match all $gene in the hash?
open (LIST1, "tab_delimited.txt");
while (<LIST1>) {
($id, $product, $ec) = split(/\t/, $_);
$hash{$id} = ($product, $ec);
i need to change this output
821 940 0.31 - 0 id "g1";
989 1205 0.53 - 1 id "g1";
2141 2621 0.37 - 2 id "g1";
2681 2847 0.89 - 1 id "g1";
2921 2925 0.71 - 0 id "g1";
5897 6076 0.55 + 0 id "g2";
6129 6202 0.58 + 0 id "g2";
6265 6381 0.57 + 1 id "g2";
into something like this. i.e. i need...
ok, thanks.
I was actually trying to do it the oppposite way
perl -pae 's/^$p +/, /;$p=$F[0]' infile.txt | sed "s/\n,/,/g" >outputfile.txt
doesnt work though.
btw, what is $F[0]' and -pae ?
my infile would be somethiing like this
3834_t: g3498.t1
3834_t: ghmm.1
3835_t: g3499.t1
3835_t: g3500.t1
3835_t: ghmm.2
3835_t: ghmm.3
3836_t: g3500.t1
3836_t: ghmm.3
3836_t: ghmm.4
your one-liner works fine, just that i will need each key on a new line.
Hi, i'm trying to write a script to read this
YAL044W-A 0000004
YAL044W-A 0005554
YAL044W-A 0008372
and convert into this
YAL044W-A 0000004, 0005554, 0008372
unfortunately, this is as far as i get
open FH, "<infile.txt" or die $!;
open OF, ">outputfile.txt";
while (<FH>) {...
yes, i made some changes at
my $max = 10;
my $first_num = int(rand(10))+1;
my $second_num = int(rand(10))+1;
so that I can make sure that both conditions are met at a smaller number sets
i get this results
7-7 <--
repeat again...
thanks, not exactly what i want, but i get the idea
it is more like this
foreach $one (@uniqpair)
if ($i==${$one}[0] && $j==${$one}[1] || $j==${$one}[0] && $i==${$one}[1] )
Kevin, somehow your codes do not seems to satisfy either conditions at...
i need to generate a pair of random numbers between 0 to 100
e.g. 0 - 2, 5 - 54, 98 - 100
there is two conditions, (1) the same number is not used as a pair e.g. 1-1, 2-2
(2) the same pair of number is not repeated and that would include 1-2, 2-1
the first condition is pretty easy, just...
Hi everyone.
I have a perl program that is invoked by the command A B
the problem is that there is a few hundred combination of A and B that is possible
so, i am thinking of writing a new program with a small loop that generate the command to invoke the
so, how do I do...
this one works perfectly after correcting for the variable $dirPath..
so the reason, the first attempts fail is because I did not specify the path to my directory?
thanks a lot everybody
thanks for the advice.. i definitely had a lot of catching up to do.
the error read
cant open NC_004353.faa: No such file or directory at append3 line9.
this is line 9
open(SRC,$_) or die "cant open $_: $!";
i add the statement print "***@filesToRead***\n";
and get every files that i want...
thanks, i got up to here so far.. but it stl doesnt seems to work. btw i am actually a biologist, so i actually dont do a lot of programming
$dirPath = "c:/d_melanogaster/";
opendir DIR,"$dirPath" or die "Error Message:$!\n";
@filesToRead = (grep/N/i,readdir DIR);
closedir DIR;
How do i change this
YAL044W-A 0000004, 0005554, 0008372
to this?
YAL044W-A 0000004
YAL044W-A 0005554
YAL044W-A 0008372
it doesnt have to be programmatic if there is a way doing it using 'replace with' function in any text editor
Thanks a lot
this is so embarassing, but i think that solve my problem
Again, that is not a file name should be at least a name and extension ie. myfile.txt
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