Combo & Skip - sorry guys I don't get either of your solutions.
Skip I have column headings correct and shapes correctly named. If select the range from the drop down goto box then the correct range is highlighted.
The VB hihglight 'ActiveSheet.Shapes(Range("ShpName")(r.Row -...
Skip, Thanks for your reply. The problem I have is how to colour more than one object. I know nothing really about coding but try to modify things that the MACRO recorder generates or as in this case a piece of code I found by Googling. I have tried copying the code and giving the private sub a...
Skip, I was just looking for an example of how to code it. I have plenty of shapes which I would like to link to cells, if you could just provide a sample of the code e.g.
range Fred - Shape Bert
range A - Shape B
range C - Shape D
That would be GREAT!
I am trying to use the code below many times to conditionally colour auto shapes but I don't know how to alter this to reference another cell and change another shape. I have tried just copying and pasting the whole routine again and changing it's name and the cell and shape names but that...
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