Hello experts!!
I just started usind Adobe 10 Pro.
I have 2 dropdowns both with all the same dropdown options. About 80% of the time the dropdown value in dropdown2 will be the same as in dropdown1, so I want to pre-populate dropdown2 with dropdown1 value but also allow the user to choose...
LB -
I tried both solutions.
Changing the report options netted the same error as before.
The formula gives the result of ZERO in every case.
I think my problem is with the "field type". The field(s) show up as the field type "memo" in field explorer. I believe with the formula you...
I am a beginner and I cannot figure out how to create a line chart in CrystalX that pulls data from a SQL database STRING field. Chart expert wants to count the number of values in the field rather than charting each value in the field.
Here is an example of my string data in SQL -...
Thanks for the responses.
I had this -
{data.timestamp}in currentdate-{?Last Days}to currentdate or
{data.timestamp}={?Date Range}
If I just use an OR the report errors out and says "PARAMETER HAS NO VALUE" ...pointing to {?Date Range}
I am going to try CR85USER's solution.
Thanks again!!
I have 2 ways to choose date range.
One - I have a static parameter called {?Last Days} with;
7 (previous 7 days)
14 (previous 14 days)
... and so on.
Then in record selection I have this formula -
{data.timestamp}in currentdate-{?Last Days}to currentdate
Two - I have another parameter...
I used the following and it works.
Thanks, I really appreciate it!!!!
numbervar curr;
numbervar prev := curr;
curr := {@Gr Avg Force};
if prev=0 then 0 else curr%(prev)
It's seems that this would be rather simple. But I have been pulling my hair out.
My subtotal field "GROUP AVERAGE FORCE" formula is -
Sum ({@Force Totals}, {data.timestamp}, "daily")/Sum ({@Sample Count}, {data.timestamp}, "daily")
This gives me my AVERAGE FORCE by DATE. I...
I am neew to the forum and a new to crystal reports.
I have a numeric field called AVERAGEFORCE.
I am pulling AVERAGEFORCE straight from a SQL table.
I group the data by DAY
I can show the daily percentage increase of Force by using the formula -...
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