The problem is; we have several companies and i need to do consolidated reporting. FRx still mounts each db independently. I am trying to extract the financial data into a consolidated database and have Frx, crystal or some reporting software mount the consolidated db. So, that is why i'm trying...
Here is the actual query the reports uses, but if it is ran outside of mas nothing appears.
I'm using MAS 90 4.2. The crystal financial reports are using a table named "GL_FinancialReportDetailWrk" to pull there information, but there is no data when i access them. I imagine MAS populates the table spits out the report and then clears them out. Is there a way to populate the table or...
I'm new to the MAS 90 data structure and use access to look at the data. Does any one have a simple query that summarizes the GL? I would like to extract a useful datacube to a MS SQL server and use a report writer. I am having trouble understanding where and how the data is stored and linked...
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