Thanks Danceman. You're talking about F:\technical articles\vfpdeploy.doc I suspect, which is a nice walkthrough of using Installshield Express (so long as you have any idea what ODBC DSNs, registry hives and the like happen to be ...I don't!). But I just wondered if I could avoid the...
I've been using VFP3.0 for the last few years, but none of its Wizards and features and other stuff. My requirements are very simple, I just write PRGs which would probably still run under dBase III+ where I learned to code in the first place.
Recently however, I've needed to create an...
Is it possible to remove (delete) attachments from a selection of MS Outlook Express (Windows) messages? The Mac version has a "remove attachments" command - there doesn't seem to be an equivalent under Windows but I wondered if there's a workaround?
I have an extensive application written in Visual Foxpro 3.0 which calls a couple of DOS routines (WZZIP.exe and WCL_FTP.exe for ZIPping and FTPing files respectively) using the RUN/! command. I'd like to upgrade to VFP7, and I would imagine 'upgrading' to Windows XP is inevitable too.
1. Does...
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