Gotcha! And in the way it works in recursive list cases... let's make up an example.
f([], 0).
f([H|T], X):- f(T, Y), g(H,Z), X is Y+Z.
g(a, 1).
g(X, 0).
inputting f([a,b,a],X), write(X), fail. to this will give you something like...
2110. It will get the first 2, fail. go back and instead...
Sorry, 14. That was a mistake on my behalf.
So what you're saying is that the fail predicate doesn't make it start the whole second rule over again, but only checks for a new b(Y)?
the second rule is executed at the last point of choice : fact with b ==> 4
This step does not make logical sense to me. Why would this not print 2, 4?
The fail predicate seems a bit unpredictable under certain cases to me. Take the following example.
go:- a(X), write(X).
go:- a(X), write(X), b(Y), write(Y).
Query this with ?- go, fail.
The result is 12134234. How does this make sense? Can somebody explain the...
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