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Search results for query: *

  1. SimonEireconsulting

    https converts to http

    ADGod, Please can you tell me where I can make this setting change? Regards, Simon
  2. SimonEireconsulting

    Easy trigger?

    thargtheslayer, I completely agree with you - this was my point all along. SQLSister said in a post "there is no guarantee someone down the road...". Well, I disagree. There IS a guarantee that this will NOT happen, as these are exactly the development guidelines that we use: all access to...
  3. SimonEireconsulting

    progress bar for webpage

    you don't need to put onload anywhere the second script tag is right at the bottom of the page (just before the </html> tag) so this script executes without calling onload on the body tag What browser are you using - maybe it is because you are not using IE and document.all("w") is not working??
  4. SimonEireconsulting

    Restore SQL Server 2003 Database in SQL Server 2005

    mrdenny, PRPhx, taking a backup of the old database and restoring to 2005, without first creating a db in 2005 with the same name but just typing in the name in the dropdown list worked. Thanks mrdenny
  5. SimonEireconsulting

    Restore SQL Server 2003 Database in SQL Server 2005

    SQL Server that comes with Small Business 2003 - probably just SQL Server 2000 the bakup doesn't contain multiple media sets - it is a standard backup of a pre 2005 db. In 2000, I used to create a new database with the same name as the old database and then restore from bakup file with the...
  6. SimonEireconsulting

    Easy trigger?

    of course this makes sense - none of it is relevant DEPENDING on your development guidlines in your company. I was making the case for using TRANSACTIONS in stored procedures, and NOT using triggers, so the above would just not be relevant. I have used SQL Server since 2000, NEVER used...
  7. SimonEireconsulting

    Easy trigger?

    SQLSister, When you say "@@identity will not give the correct value if there is a trigger on the table that inserts to another table that has an identity field.", this confuses me. Does @@IDENTITY not hold the ID of the record that process has just modified / added / deleted?? I am suggesting...
  8. SimonEireconsulting

    Convert day to 2 digits

    r937 - I saw the post too. gmmastros, riverguy: the most concise is not always the "best" CONVERT(char(2), GetDate(), 103) relies on the the date being truncated to fit a char(2) variable, and having to know to use the code 103. Personally I don't like truncating data.
  9. SimonEireconsulting

    Convert day to 2 digits

    yes, yes, yes - there is an error in my code. Correct code would be: SET @Day = SUBSTRING('0' + CAST(DAY(GetDate()) AS varchar(2)), LEN(CAST(DAY(GetDate()) AS varchar(2))), 2) OR SET @Day = RIGHT('0' + CAST(DAY(GetDate()) AS varchar(2)), 2) Either way, my reason for posting my example...
  10. SimonEireconsulting

    Convert day to 2 digits

    I beg your pardon gmmastros - my code does work. Try pasting the code below in a new query window: DECLARE @Day varchar(2) SET @Day = SUBSTRING('0' + CAST(DAY(GetDate()) AS varchar(2)), 1, 2) PRINT @Day -- note the the second line above is exactly as posted When you execute this code the...
  11. SimonEireconsulting

    Convert day to 2 digits

    RiverGuy, Explanation: 1. I am sure I read some time ago in some MS documentation that the preferred way of converting data types was to use CAST (now I can't find where I read that, although I think was in Books Online). Also, if you look at CAST and CONVERT in Books Online the majority of...
  12. SimonEireconsulting

    Check and restrict Image sizes

    I don't see a way you can get this to work on the client, unless you can install an ActiveX on each client and invoke this ActiveX using Javascript... Otherwise, display a message to the client saying "Ensure your images are....." warning them that images over certain sizes will be rejected...
  13. SimonEireconsulting

    Convert day to 2 digits

    In T-SQL I would use CAST instead of CONVERT: SET @Day = SUBSTRING('0' + CAST(DAY(GetDate()) AS varchar(2)), 1, 2)
  14. SimonEireconsulting

    Easy trigger?

    why use a trigger??? If you use a stored procedure to do the insert into the customer table you can also use this stored procedure to do the insert into the tblServiceQuote table, have the two inserts inside a transaction, then you don't get customer records without tblServiceQuote records...
  15. SimonEireconsulting

    Is Text File Complete and Available

    There was no need to see if the transfer in step 2 was complete. If the file exists in step 2 then the file transfer in step 1 was complete. That is all that is needed to know. Come to think about it, we may have been doing ftp get instead of relying on others to do an ftp put.... Can't...
  16. SimonEireconsulting

    Trouble downloading SQL SERVER 2008 Express...

    are you upgrading or installing 2008 as a new installation?
  17. SimonEireconsulting

    Display Image in Excel

    why don't you just use the menu options Insert -> Picture -> From File???
  18. SimonEireconsulting

    MySQL to return one field with non existing values

    horses for courses.... Using the table is a good idea if you want to exclude other IPs that are not currently assigned. However, I disagree with your second point. It is always best to read from / write to the database using a stored procedure, for security reasons. You could name the stored...
  19. SimonEireconsulting

    MySQL to return one field with non existing values

    in this case you do not need a second table (OneToTwoFiftyFour). Simply select tblIPList.ipid and return to an array and then loop from 1 to 254. If the value is in the array then don't add it to the drop down list. If it is not in the array, the add it. SQL Statement: SELECT ipid FROM...
  20. SimonEireconsulting

    How to call windows.resizeTo() only once

    or use a querystring parameter - no reliance on cookies setting on users browsers then

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