In fact it was already loaded, but still same error:
?- use_module(library(clpfd)). X < 10 , X > 0 , integer(X), X = 3,Y < 10 , Y > 0 , X mod Y = 0 , X / Y = 2 .
ERROR: </2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
OK, but
1) if I want it to solve X as an integer unknown to solve, how can I give value to X ?!
2) imagine I want to initiate X with 3, so :
X < 10 , X > 0 , integer(X), X = 3,Y < 10 , Y > 0 , X mod Y = 0 , X / Y = 2 .
but :
ERROR: </2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated ?
So where...
X < 10 , X > 0 , integer(X), integer(Y),Y < 10 , Y > 0 , X mod Y = 0 , X / Y = 2 .
does give
ERROR: </2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated ?
In swiprolog, when
X in 0..10 , Y in 0..10 , X mod Y #= 0 , X / Y #=2 .
It gives
X in 2..10,
X mod Y#=0,
Y in 1..10.
But it's not very useful if I don't have couples of solutions, i.e. for X=2 -> Y=1 etc...
So how can I have the different couples?
I wondered how to declare a tempory matrix saving variable: must it have same intent() parameters than the parent one it's related to?
For instance:
"program paramMat
! gfortran paraMatrix.f90 -o paraMatrix
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dim = 4
real, dimension(dim,dim) ::a
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