On the public line we have the numbers 47782200 to 47782799 and the old business number is not part of that series, 47770333.
All MD110 extensions are set to show their direct CLIP (47782XXX)number when making a call to the outside world.
We have two active routes :
Route 1 is for the calls...
Hi, and thanks for all the great stuff here !
I have a MD110 BC9 and when i disable CLID on the individual extensions, it shows the main line number as the calling party ID on the recieving end... So far so good.
My problem is that the main line number shown ( 1st number in our number series )...
Hey there, and thanks for all the great tips here :)
I'm looking for the command to use in order to make an analog extension dial automatically to a specific number (other extension) when the handset is liftet.
Any way to do this in BC9 ?
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