The problem with looking at the direct printer input is I don't know how to interpet it. When I look at what is sent to the printer I see:
Ec *g20W 06 1F 00 02 02 58 02 58 09 00 01 01 02 58 02 58 0A 01 20 01
Any clues on how to interpret the binary string after the command?
Thank you for your help. Looking for the PCL3e Guide I found some documentation on PCL3e at:
This includes a section on undocumented PCL including the Ec*g#W[data] command...
Does anyone know how to use the Ec*g2W CRD (configure raster data) command in printing color raster graphics?
The printer I am using does not accept the CID Ec*v#W command and I am trying to figure out how you are supposed to send color raster graphics to this printer (Deskjet 5650). I have...
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