Have done as Burt suggest still no luck.
here is my : sho ip nat translations.
Still web server still closed.
thom# sho ip nat translations
Pro Inside global Inside local Outside local Outside global
tcp 203.97.XXX.XXX:80 --- ---...
yes 827 is modem/router
what i am having is cant open port 80
if i go to www.canyouseeme.org, i cant see this port open
checked with isp port 80 is open
before i check the firewall how do i open the web server on cisco ....
if i open port 80 on the router,,,,
i should be seeing port 80 as...
What will be the command to do this..
I tried this still not working
ip nat inside source static udp 53 203.97.xxx.xxx 53
ip nat inside source static tcp 80 203.97.xxx.xxx 80
whereby 203.97.xxx.xxx is my public ip address
How to i configure a cisco router, so that a webserver can be accessed from outside world
here is what i have done so far
I can ping my WAN IP address from outside my network (maybe because its static)
I can ping the web address www.mysitename.com (could be same as above)
I cant access...
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