I am looking for some documentation for building front end screen in OpenText Doculink. We have migrated some unstructured data(like excel sheets, pdf, word documents etc) into OpenText Archive server, and wanted to retrieve that data using Doculink through some search screens, please let...
Hi DTracy
I have not copied the script on remote server, i want to run the script on a local machine which should restart a service on a remote server.
and strComputer = "computerName" is just a example code which i got and working fine if i give local computer name(ie my laptop), if i...
Hi All,
I got the below script which is working fine on my local machine, but same functionality i want to have on a remote server, ie if i click from my desktop , i should be able to stop/start the service on a remote server.
Option Explicit
Dim objWMIService, objItem, objService
Hi All,
I am looking at a script which can restart a microsoft service on a remote windows 2003 server. I should be able to execute the script from the comfort of my notebook, thus by entering all required information like username, password and domain name within the script.
Please let me...
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