Hi jonats.
Enclosed you find a REXX Sample for TSO/DMS. It move a line man over the screen. It cosist of two parts. First part is a rexx script and the second part is a DMS Panel definition. Look at the runit sub function. It tell DMS to show panel and simulate enduser key stroke.
REXX Meber...
There are three way to do so.
a) use ispf DISPLAY service where you define three variable fields you fill out by rexx
b) if you use it tso native you may use the freeware assembler tool clear to position to top left and the use rexx say to position again
c) use an own written command using tput...
As far I know you allready got an solution.
But I do not like to allocate memory where someone has to free somewhere!
Remember, in ANSI C a function can return against normal data types (like int, chr ...) also return abstract data type (what means a structur and typedef). An that works so easy...
Yes, I would be able to compile it. But I do not thinks i will get the variable nam out of them. I need the names at run time and varaiable name are dynamicli created that is why i would like to get defined variables. Furtheron I would like to use it on Control S/A and there is no compiled REXX...
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