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Search results for query: *

  1. schothorst

    Powerbuilder 12.6 running on Windows 10

    if expeienced difficulties with the save as function. We saved to C:\ but with windows 10 that does not work. Saving in c:\name wil work
  2. schothorst

    update event

    Weet iemand hoe ik een zoekscherm direct kan laten zoeken Ik heb een em_klantnaam Als ik daar intik bv de letter A dan wil ik heb direct het volgende script laten uitvoeren ls_klantnaam=string(em_klantnaam.text) + "%" dw_zoekopnaam.retrieve(ls_klantnaam) en daarmee laat die alle klanten...
  3. schothorst

    Color Menu

    no but I want to know that to, could be usefull
  4. schothorst

    colorlines in graph

    hello is there a way of getting control of the colorlines in a graph when I make a datawindowd 'graph' on a stored procedure I have a lines now, (red and green) but the green is very ahrd to see. Is there a way to get control of the green line and give it an other color ? happy to here about it
  5. schothorst

    ip check

    is there a way to check if a router is online . I want something like: li_ipcheck = ping 172.316.10.251 IF li_ipcheck > 0 then messagebox("ok","ok") else messagebox("not oke","not oke") END IF Any help will do Thnaks
  6. schothorst

    Catching only a ENTER in a singlelineedit control

    I always use this IF KeyDown(Keyenter!) THEN . . . // Statements for the F1 key ELSEIF KeyDown(KeyControl!) THEN . . . // Statements for the CTRL key END IF
  7. schothorst

    string formula to integer

    Hello Hopefully someone can help me Is it possible to convert a formula as a string to an integer. For example ls_formula = "(1000-800)/20" as a result i want li_result=10 But the formula will change evrytime when I run a new querie so the next time it could be something like...
  8. schothorst

    Right mouse button

    Hi Mbalent I feel relly stupid now...never saw that event before It works. great Thanks
  9. schothorst

    how to fix the first column of the DataWindow?

    Sorry, this is a bit more clear string ls_colx // Get x location of example column ls_colx = dw_data.Object.example.x // Set the position of the horizontal split scroll point. dw_data.Object.datawindow.horizontalscrollsplit = ls_colx
  10. schothorst

    how to fix the first column of the DataWindow?

    Try this It's a sort of split screen string ls_colx // Get x location of emp_fname column ls_colx = dw_data.Object.s01_voercode_t.x // Set the position of the horizontal split scroll point. dw_data.Object.datawindow.horizontalscrollsplit = ls_colx
  11. schothorst

    Right mouse button

    Hello Does anyone know how to script, or where, that a message will come op when i press the right mouse button on a datawindow.
  12. schothorst

    ODBC with paradox

    HEllo I want to using paradox tables in Powerduiler. I made a connection profile. Connections is sucfully but If i wnat to open a table in the database painter it says :table 'x' has no collums, possible invalid file format Anybody got an idee cheers
  13. schothorst

    print through popup

    Hello Perfect that's exactly that a mean. I will try it right away. Thanks for your quick reply. (gaat lukken in engels, dan hebben de andere er ook nog iets aan :-) )
  14. schothorst

    print through popup

    hello i'm struggeling with the follwing problem I have a window with a print button. after I press the print button, I want a popup where i can fill in the number of prints. after closing i want to close the popup and print dw_data the number of times i choose in the popup what i have so far I...
  15. schothorst

    Reset / clear out the clipboard

    Hi Yes but that just just add a black space to the clibbord and will nog reset the whole clibboard. can't be that hard, but I just need to find the solution :-)
  16. schothorst

    Reset / clear out the clipboard

    Hello Is there a way to reset the clibboard I will copy something on it a few times but in between I need the erase the clipboard. Is there a way cheers
  17. schothorst

    random number between limits

    Hello Zubizar, Thanksm for your reply and script. Here is the final script that is good enought for me //declare variable integer li_from_0, li_limit,li_limit1 string ls_number, ls_digit //li_from_0 moet 0 of 1 zijn. //als 0, het getal zal zijn 1, 2, ..., li_limit en 1 <= li_limit <= 9...
  18. schothorst

    random number between limits

    Hello again I just changed the string to 8 string ls_base = "12345678" And now every time i get a random numers with the numbers 12345678, and all the numers are in. Perfect. At the moment I dont't have control over the lengt of the string yet. I want to make a sle_1 field. After putting...
  19. schothorst

    random number between limits

    Hello bernds44 Amazing, how do you make this code up. I just tryed and the last will work almost perfectly. It is making a string from 8 random numbers. the only thing that;s not complete write is that al the numbers have to be between 0 and 8. Now sometimes I get a string 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9...
  20. schothorst

    random number between limits

    hi zubizar yes oke, nice...but all the numbers are only allowed one's in de string. Now it will produce for example 141542145 with 3 times a 4. instead of 12345678 do you know what I mean? cheers

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