I think I understand now. InnerText returns the words, the actual content of the tag. InnerXml gives everything from tag start to tag end. Thanks for your help tsuji.
I went to the try-me at the W3: http://www.w3schools.com/js/tryit.asp?filename=try_dom_tut_getelementsbytagname and nested a tag to see what would happen. I modified:
<p id="main1">The DOM is very useful</p>
<p id="main1"><><g>stuff</g>The DOM is very useful</p>
It displayed:
[0] Yeah, xlf is really the abc in my example. sorry
[1] When I view originalSourceText in the C# debugger I see either the proper "Yesterday" when the XML does not contain a nested tag or /r/n/r/n Tomorrow when there is a nested tag. You said "It won't contain the abc:good tag! why should it?"...
I am using GetElementByTagname. Here is the code:
XmlNodeList elemList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("xlf:start");
for (int i = 0; i < elemList.Count; i++)
String originalSourceText = elemList[i].InnerText;
if (originalSourceText.Contains("<xlf:"))
label4.Text =...
I have an xml file where the nodes I'm interested in are usually formatted this way:
Sometimes, there are nested tags like this:
<abc:good ctype="link" id="1">
I'm stuck with a brain block, sorry to say. I just want...
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