We having been using the following link http://update.microsoft.com/redist/wuredist.cab to download the the latest file for use with MBSA to determine what patches are needed for our windows 7 machines. I was able to get it last month (July 2012). But this month I ram recieving the Server error...
Solution is put tick marks around the regular expression. Thanks to PHV for the solution
mailq|grep '^[A-F0-9]'|cut -c 42-80|sort |uniq -c|sort -n|tail > /tmp/qResults
Rewrote the $CHECK variable as
my $CHECK = "mailq|grep '^[A-F0-9]'|cut -c 42-80|sort |uniq -c|sort -n|tail > /tmp/qResults";
This was based on a response given by user PHV.
If their is a simpler complete perl method though I would be interested learing of it to add to my my knowledge base
When I run this code on a linux machine I have no problems; but when done on a Solaris 10 machine I receive the following message back.
sh: [A-F0-9]: not found
Usage: grep -hblcnsviw pattern file . . .
my $CHECK = 'mailq|grep ^[A-F0-9]|cut -c 42-80|sort |uniq...
Trying to run the following one liner in a bash script to check our mailq for big users. But I receive the error below when trying to run from a script instead of command line. Command line it works great. Anybody have a solution or alternative?
mailq|grep ^[A-F0-9]|cut -c...
Trying to run the following one liner in a bash script to check our mailq for big users. But I receive the error below when trying to run from a script instead of command line. Command line it works great. Anybody have a solution or alternative?
mailq|grep ^[A-F0-9]|cut -c...
Running a fairly simple script but not sure how to get the script to display the missing data encapsulated between the < > brackets. I would like to have the page display the results as returned.
Expected results
Apr 18 23:20:25 isp.com postfix/local[4431]: [ID 197553 mail.info] BAD854989F...
I am trying to read a string and have it split into pieces using the split() function. I am using the "/" as the separator to split on, but not sure how to write the split to use the "/".
Input is going to be directory listings like below
I tried the code you gave and it worked like a charm.
while ($db->FetchRow()) {
undef %Data;
($Data) = $db->Data();
print "$_\n";
print "$_\r\n";
I am writing it on a windows machine and I believe it was the editor. I tried komodo and the...
I am trying to write a program to extract user info from a database and write them into a file. The
content of the field in the database I am calling can have one or more entries and are separated by a '|'. See sample data below...
I am running an NFS server in a production enviroment on a x4450 and am in the process of making the following changes to /etc/default/nfs.
# increased LOCKD_SERVERS to 128 from default 20
# increased NFS_SERVER to 256 from default 16
# increased LOCKD_LISTEN_BACKLOG to 128 from default 32...
I'm not familiar with truss; but will give it a try and see what I can find/see in the output as a lead.
Haven't tried asking sun as of yet. Will get the output and involve them as I am sure the output will be helpful for them to diagnose.
I could...
I do have write permissions set on it. I am able to manually copy the files or use rsync to copy from dir to dir. It seems that the only thing I am able not to do is the usermod with the -m option.
when I try to do a usermod -d /usr/tester/<userid> -m <userid> I recieve error saying that UX: usermod: ERROR: There is not sufficient space to move.
I can do a simple usermod -d /usr/tester/<userid> <userid> and it works fine. Just having a problem when doing the -m to copy the directory now...
Is their a command to get the Number of max. NFS Servers (threads) currently running in a solaris 10 system. Trying to tune this option and am not sure how to tell how many are being used? Currently have this set to the default of 16 and am looking to increase it to 32.
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