I have a client for whom we recently upgraded all workstations to XP Pro and Office XP Pro. The Server is Small Business Server 4.0 SP 6a.
Since the upgrade a number of shared folders on the server have been mysteriously moved around (not deleted). The weird thing is that a normal "Drag &...
We have a SBS 2000 server with 2 permanent internet connections, 1 dial-up the other broadband. We have the server setup to receive in-bound vpn connections via the dial-up and also remote VPN to the broadband firewall. With the dial-up connection running we cannot connect via the broadband...
I have the following formula:
=IIf([Non Rent Guarantee]=0 Or IsNull([Non Rent Guarantee]),IIf([Customer Agents fees %]=0,Nz([Agents Fees %]/100*[RR]),Nz([Customer Agents fees %]/100*[RR])),"")
This formula works fine in a form but returns #Error in query.
Any suggestions?
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