schema_entries=$( awk -v var="$get_schema" -v var2="$cmd_arg" '$0 ~ var{ print $'var2' }'
at the bottom works but its hard to believe there isnt a command to reeval the variable without redefining it
arg well i still have one more problem while implementing this.... i cant get the shell to re-eval the variable.
i have 3 variables
get_schema=$( awk -v var="$1" '$0 ~ var{ print $2 }' databases.txt )
schema_entries=$( awk -v var="$get_schema" -v var2="$cmd_arg" '$0 ~ var{ print...
Basically to give you an over view. the $my_awk script is something ill use ALOT in my script because it simply reads a file that has 2 columns. Column 1 is the database name. Column 2 is the schema file assosiated with it so now instead of rewritting that script everytime i need the schema file...
$my_awk is a variable script that is defined by the argument im trying to write
and you freaken brilliant. this little piece of code has been driving me crazy for about 2 days.
Ok next quest is can you explain maybe why you have to put it in the $(......) to get it to idetify the line of code...
#Section: 04
#Name: Scott Deese
my_awk="awk -v var=$1 ' /$var/ { print \$2 } ' "
echo $my_awk
schemas=`$my_awk database.txt`
ive tried this many different ways and this was the last way describe by my teacher that doesnt work.
I need to pass a variable from the sh shell to awk. the...
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