if you save that text as a csv file and open it in excel you'll see what i mean.
then on a new spreadsheet, import the same csv file and you see the difference.
this is hard to explain. thanks for the help :)
Oh crumbs!
So I want to do something that can't be done! Great haha :)
So in this situation there is no way to import the data how I'd like? It's weird, because if you just open it straight away that whole row will be on one line/row, not several.
Yeah that's what I mean. All those paragraphs are between double quotes, so should therefore be in the same cell. This would mean that record would be on one row.
If I download a file that looks like this (with paragraphs), how can I use the Excel import method to get the data on one row?
Thanks for your help so far guys.
Combo, My regional setting use a comma as a delimiter.
Skip, I've realised that when I insert multiple paragraphs into the database, when I download them and open them in wordpad they looks like this:
Here is an example:
"Journalist Name","Journalist...
Hi Skip, thanks for the reply :)
Yes I select "comma" when the wizard gives me the options. But in the preview in the bottom the columns are already screwy and this doesn't sort them out.
It seems that as soon as I import the file the columns screw up. Does this happen for you?
I have a .csv (comma separated) file with names, addresses and notes in.
When I double click it, the file opens file and all values are displayed in separate cells.
However, when I import it, the fields merge and split on their own. The commas seem to be ignored.
This seems to happen...
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