manually. Basically, going from person to person and asking if they have that skill or not. If they did then base on the knowledge I will add the level.
Thank you so much for all your help!
I'll use the filter option.
In your opinion, would it be difficult to set up tables in access and have structure build so that when I run report I would be able to capture report that will have a data organized in a way like provided excel spreadsheet.
I am back at step where I input code of:
Sub GetSQL()
Dim sSQL As String, i As Integer, ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveSheet
For i = 7 To 27
sSQL = sSQL & "SELECT *"
sSQL = sSQL & "FROM `'MASTER skills grid$'`"
sSQL = sSQL & "WHERE F" & i & " IN...
I have deleted all macros and wanted to start from beginning. However it is taking forever for query to finish the last step (Return Data to Microsoft Office Excel).
Now, I receive a message in excel that " Could not decrypt file." I have option OK and Cancle, when I select OK it prompts me to select the source file. I really messed this up..
Initially I worked on the version 3 and I resaved the version to 4 after I got the first code working.
When I...
I am copying the code just belowthe previous code of:
Sub GetSQL()
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables(1)
Debug.Print .CommandText
End With
End Sub
And again I got the Compile Error: Ambiguous Name detected:Get SQL
Is this because the sub name is the same or I again paste it in the wrong place.
I did again right click on the "Master Skill Grid" tab and pasted the coding. I am getting Run time errror '9' - Subscript out of range.
I was thinking to do data import for each colum and that way set up the separate sheets with conditions like I did for the first one (F7). Would that work?
I worked on two documents at the same time (just to practice) that’s why you can see two different sources. I do not really need both of them just one is okay. ( Master skill grid).
The other criteria would be print F8 if value is 3, or 4, or 5 on a new worksheet, again print F9 on a new...
It prints only criteria that I want to display
Here is what it says in immidiate window:
SELECT `'Master $'`.`Skill Grade`, `'Master $'`.F2, `'Master $'`.F3,
`'Master $'`.F4, `'Master $'`.F5, `'Master $'`.F6, `'Master $'`.F7,
`'Master $'`.F8, `'Master $'`.F9, `'Master $'`.F10, `'Master...
I am getting Run Time error '438' - Object doesn't suport this property or method.
Just to mention that when I selected my tables I also inputed the criteria column F7 equals value of 3, or 4, or 5. This might have influence the Run Time error.
When I did this step of Data, Import External data, Import Data, selected the worksheet and clicked okay the new worksheet is created which is already in excel and there is no QBE grid that you are referring to. I think I am missing the crucial step.
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