On the form which contains the Crystal report, you take out a timer control and make to run for every 3 secs. In that you tell CrystalReport.Refresh, this is because when the crystal report is opened for the very first time, it has some RecordSelectionFormula, and once the data is changed...
I have a project(VB 6.0), where I need to export the data from crystal reports to a text file by a single click on a button(I mean, now, what's happening is the crystal is asking for lots of other questions, like the type of export/location etc), which the end user will not understand. I need...
I have tried to export to Text format, the system then asks for the type of export(text/rtf...), then the location of the file etc. These questions should not be asked because the end user should not know all these things are done.
Any help is greately appreciated.
Shivakumar G.M.
Do anybody knows how to export crystal report to a text file.
I am using VB as front end and access as back end.
If I click a button on VB, the crystal report should be exported to a text file without asking any other questions/parameters. The end user cannot answer all those...
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