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  1. naikadit

    simple error with a vbscript file

    hi thanks.. but i still get that error type mismatch
  2. naikadit

    simple error with a vbscript file

    hi guys I am newbie in vbscript I am running a code to check if there are any decimal values in ab dyn RN but I am getting an erro type mismatch for the line p=inst...... Can you guys plesae help me Set objSheet = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("dyn RN") dim p,q ,r, isFloat3, toTest3...
  3. naikadit

    simple if staement ttroubleshoot

    hi I am a newbie in vbscript i am stuck badly in coding of n if statement please need your help Dim chkFl20 chkFl20 = 0 Dim cnt20 Dim mark20 cnt20 = objWorkbook.Worksheets.Count mark20 = 1 Do While mark20 <= cnt20 If objworkbook.Worksheets(mark20).Name = "GSM Nbr Cell" and...
  4. naikadit

    stuck on syntax in vbscript

    hi guys this is very simple I am newsie and need you help the following part is not working for me. I dont know I guess the fault is in the if statement below Dim chkFl15 chkFl15 = 0 Dim cnt15 Dim mark15 cnt15 = objWorkbook.Worksheets.Count mark15 = 1 Do While mark15 <= cnt15 If...
  5. naikadit

    small helpp in coding

    I am new bie and I am getting error in ths step just a small thing can you guys please help me out Set objSheet = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("RBS Site") dim i,k ,j, isFloat, toTest, xlup, nmaxrow xlup=&HFFFFEFBE nmaxrow=objSheet.range("a65536").end(xlup).row -- to go till end of the row...
  6. naikadit

    Help needed in simple script

    hi tsuji , thanks a lot you are really helping me a lot I used this and I was trying something will this work. Thanks alot once again Set objSheet = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("RBS Site") dim i,k ,j, isFloat, toTest, xlup, nmaxrow xlup=&HFFFFEFBE...
  7. naikadit

    Help needed in simple script

    hi tsuji, thanks a ton for your help...really appreciate it... I need your help in one more small thing as explained earlier can I know how can i make sure that it checks only the number of rows which are present in the sheet rather than me running the loop till like 100000 For j= 2 to 10000...
  8. naikadit

    Help needed in simple script

    hi guys I am newbie in vbscript I desperately need your help I have written a small code which checks the columns, decimal numbers, and tabs in an excel sheet also it converts cell values into values (to remove formulas) . also right now I am taking arbitary number of rows and colums (10000 rows...
  9. naikadit

    Simple problem with the script

    Hi I am a New bie in Vb script what I am trying to do is that I am checking the tab name if RBS site is not found then it should end otherwise it should continue the code.Please help me <PACKAGE> <JOB ID=Submit_Reminder> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript" SRC="c:\test\clearquest.bas"/> <SCRIPT >...
  10. naikadit

    Want to remove all decimal places in the excel sheet using vbscript

    hi Nw, I am trying something like this Dim isFloat as boolean Dim toTest as String dim i as integer dim k as integer dim j as integer For k=1 to 18 For j= 1 to 1000 toTest = cell(k,j).value i=instr(1,toTest,".",vbTextCompare) if i>0 then isFloat=true...
  11. naikadit

    Want to remove all decimal places in the excel sheet using vbscript

    hi NWBeaver, I want to use VB script itself coz I am halfway through the file and I cant go back now. actually what I want to achieve is that its hsould check range of colummns and should show a message that there is decimal numbers in teh cells.
  12. naikadit

    Help in copying and pasting data in excel using vbscript

    Hi PHV, Thanks a ton for all your help.. what I wanna do now is that the script to show the cells which has decimal numbers. Thanks a lot for all your help once again.. ADi
  13. naikadit

    Want to remove all decimal places in the excel sheet using vbscript

    Hi guys, I am a newbie in vbscript. The excel sheet which I am working on should not have decimal numbers so what I want to achieve is that if the script can show the cell numbers where there are decimal numbers and also if possible it can convert it into integers. Prefreably I would be glad...
  14. naikadit

    Help in copying and pasting data in excel using vbscript

    Hi PH it worked Thanks a lot .. Also can you please let me know how can I achieve that decimal thing .. I want to make sure that there are no decimal places in the worksheet but I dont know how to achieve it.. Once again thanks a lot for your reply I really appreciate it...
  15. naikadit

    Help in copying and pasting data in excel using vbscript

    Hi guys, I am a newbie in vbscript and I need your help I am basically trying to copy all the data from one excel sheet into the same excel sheet (in the same location) but I want to paste it as value (pastespecial- value) as I want to remove all the formulas in the excel sheet and cel value...
  16. naikadit

    Help in VB script for Excel

    hi guys, I need help in Vbscript I am writing a code which will show up errors in excel Set objSheet = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("RBS Site") ------------------------------------------------------------ if (Sheet4.Name <> "RBS Site" ) then objtxtStream.Writeline "Error in RBS...
  17. naikadit


    Hi I am running a VBA macro and I am getting the error "RUN TIME ERROr 6 OVERFLOW". Attached is the file. Please need help ASAP the subroutine I am running is update sheets(); I have the file let me know how I can send it
  18. naikadit

    VBA in Excel cant execute this subroutine

    I want that the cell which I am copying this data should have 10 digits like for eg 0000612128 instead of 612128
  19. naikadit

    VBA in Excel cant execute this subroutine

    Hey skip Actually the calue in cell(i,2) is a 10 digit number with 4 zeros so when i cam copying the data only the 6 digits are copied the 4 zeros in the front are not...I want your help in this...
  20. naikadit

    VBA in Excel cant execute this subroutine

    no I dont want it in pivot table and I want it to be auto divided. So I guess I need to write the code but Skip everything is working fine now I just want to copy the string value of Sheet1.Cells(i, j) into Sheet5.Cells(flag_core_fo, j) ..please let me know

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