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  1. HrvojeVd

    last month

    I tried this function but it doesn't work.
  2. HrvojeVd

    last month

    I would like to get the day of previous month? I tried currentdate - 1 but it doens't work.
  3. HrvojeVd


    I tried it, but it still doesn't work.
  4. HrvojeVd


    In web.config i put: <authentication mode="Windows"/> <identity impersonate="true" /> and in iis I assigned Integrated authentication on properties of virtual directory that i use as localhost.
  5. HrvojeVd


    I tried that but it doesn't work.
  6. HrvojeVd


    I want to use my web page on localhost. But I get an error: not authorized to view page. In IIS i put authentication mode to Windows, but it doesn't work. Is there anything else I should do?
  7. HrvojeVd

    page view

    I repaired it. The problem was in CSS. I had to add !important value after float. Thanks for your help.
  8. HrvojeVd

    page view

    I've created a web site http://webfilozofa.net. It all lokks great in IE7 but horrible in Firefox and IE8. I'm using css styles. What could be the problem?
  9. HrvojeVd

    page view

    I've created this page http://webfilozofa.net. In IE7 looks fine in FireFox and IE8 looks horrible. Lines are everywhere and it seems like my css style sheets doen't work there. Where is the problem?
  10. HrvojeVd

    user control

    I tried to use that code to reference my master page but it doesn't work. I can't get to public property from my master page.
  11. HrvojeVd

    user control

    The problem is that my user control is in a folder and I'm calling it with show method in master page. I can't get a reference to master page.
  12. HrvojeVd

    user control

    I created a login user control. When I call it from master page and when a button is clicked on user control I want to get value of user name from user control textbox and put it into textbox in master page?
  13. HrvojeVd

    new window

    I'm using this code: string script = "window.open('news.aspx')"; if (!ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("NewWindow")) { ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "NewWindow", script, true); }
  14. HrvojeVd

    new window

    I'm using javascript to open a new window, but as a result I get refreshed main page. How to prevent that?
  15. HrvojeVd


    I'm filling gridview column from dataset. I would like to make that column hyperlink, but there is no c# properties for gridview DataNavigateUrlFormatString and DataNavigateUrlFields. Is there an alternative?
  16. HrvojeVd


    I tried all that, but the error remains.
  17. HrvojeVd


    How to use class library from folder app_code on web site? IT all works fine localy, but when i put it on web I get an erro: The type or namespace name 'Aplication' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) 'Aplication' is the class name.
  18. HrvojeVd


    Is it possible to create table with two columns in witch one column will have 10 rows and the other one only one row?
  19. HrvojeVd

    master page

    I made changes on master page, but it didn't refresh on other pages that are related to master page. IS there a way to do it automaticly or I have to make chages on every page(what's the use of master page then)?
  20. HrvojeVd

    excel update

    I'm using excel file to get and save data. This code is for update data , but in excel file I get a new record with this values instead of changed one by where clause. code: DataSet DS; OleDbDataAdapter MyCommand; OleDbConnection oledbConn = new OleDbConnection(connString); oledbConn.Open()...

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