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  1. PaulReed

    DNS Error Question

    I have CentOS 3.9 installed on my server... after everything I've read it seems that all the files that should be there are, including named.conf, resolv.conf, and there are a few zone files under /var/named. I was suggested from something I read to do the following... chkconfig --add named...
  2. PaulReed

    Using Nano to Edit text in a C++ file

    Salem, thanks for the response.
  3. PaulReed

    Using Nano to Edit text in a C++ file

    I know nothing about C++ and I don't want to make a mistake. I have a C++ file that is used with an SMTP service, and it has text in it that shows up at the bottom of the outgoing email message. Can I modify this text within the file with Nano and save it without destroying the file? Thank...
  4. PaulReed

    Adding Domainkeys/DKIM to Email Sending Engine File

    I have an email software program that runs in Linux. The main email sending engine is a small file that is compiled and built like this... # CXXFLAGS="-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -DHOSTNAME_CHECK='\"mydomain.net\"' -DWEBDOMAIN='\"mydomain.net\"' -DMAILDOMAIN='\"mydomain.net\"'" ./configure...
  5. PaulReed

    Intermittent problem with .pl interface in I.E.

    My application runs on Redhat or CentOS, not on Windows, and testing it on vmware would duplicate the OS. Thanks alot and take care.
  6. PaulReed

    Looking for someone good with Apache and Mod_perl

    Thanks Thedaver... After force install on DBI, DBD::mysql, and Apache::DBI, I thought it was corrected, because it went 20 hours without and error, which it never went that long before. This is what I'm getting and it looks a little different... Error: panic: DBI active kids (5) > kids (2)...
  7. PaulReed

    Looking for someone good with Apache and Mod_perl

    Thanks, I'll let you know how it goes. It usually takes awhile if it's going to error out.
  8. PaulReed

    Looking for someone good with Apache and Mod_perl

    I force install DBI, DBD::mysql, and Apache::DBI. If this doesn't correct it, would you be interested in coming on the server and correcting it... for a fee of course? Thanks
  9. PaulReed

    Looking for someone good with Apache and Mod_perl

    Thanks for responding D.E.R., I read that now, but here are my versions I'm running on the server. Latest Versions --------------- Apache 1.3.41 Mod_perl 1.30 DBI 1.607 Apache::DBI 1.07 DBD::mysql 4.008 versions on Server ------------------ Apache 1.3.33 Mod_perl 1.29 DBI 1.607...
  10. PaulReed

    Looking for someone good with Apache and Mod_perl

    I have an application that I recently installed on a CentOS 3.9 Linux server. The installation of the application went well, along with Apache, the Apache sister application Blackened that came with the app, MySQL, and the CPAN Perl Modules. But the following error is still occurring...
  11. PaulReed

    Intermittent problem with .pl interface in I.E.

    You mean with ???ware, I don't remember what the name is? I think if I can find someone that knows Apache, Mod_Perl and Apache::DBI and Apache::DBD they could tell me what's wrong real quick. Do you know anyone that's good with this? Thanks,
  12. PaulReed

    Intermittent problem with .pl interface in I.E.

    I don't know how to chack the version of Apache::DBI. How would I duplicate the error, do you mean get another server and install my application on it? I don't think blackened is a public app.
  13. PaulReed

    Intermittent problem with .pl interface in I.E.

    Travis, I did the complete update on all the Modules I need from CPAN, wouldn't that be the latest version? I've just lost a lot of time on this and I really need this up and running. I didn't mean to come off so abrupt earlier.
  14. PaulReed

    Intermittent problem with .pl interface in I.E.

    Ok... I'm running Mod_Perl 1.29 and 1.33.3 in Apache but I can't see how that would be the problem.
  15. PaulReed

    Intermittent problem with .pl interface in I.E.

    I have an application that I recently installed on a CentOS 3.9 Linux server. The installation of the application went well, along with Apache, the Apache sister application Blackened that came with the app, MySQL, and the CPAN Perl Modules. But the following error is still occurring...
  16. PaulReed

    Intermittent problem with .pl interface in I.E.

    Blackened is something that works with Apache with my application, as far as if it's coming from Perl, Apache, or MySQL, what are your feelings on it after seeing the above error? I receive that error via email from the application. Are you at all interested in coming on the server as a...
  17. PaulReed

    Intermittent problem with .pl interface in I.E.

    Yes and even if I reboot and things are fine, in a matter of time it goes back to receiving that "Error: panic: DBI active kids (6) > kids (2)" error I posted, and it happens more and more and gets worse. Also when I mentioned my install files having a DBD-mysql-2.9004 file, disregard that...
  18. PaulReed

    Intermittent problem with .pl interface in I.E.

    Hi Travis... root@mxexpress /usr/mysql/var# cat mxexpress.net.err 080814 23:53:11 mysqld started 080814 23:53:13 InnoDB: Started /usr/mysql/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections. Version: '4.0.23a' socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock' port: 3306 Source distribution 080815 0:59:00...
  19. PaulReed

    Intermittent problem with .pl interface in I.E.

    ****LOGIN.PL**** #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use i::web; i::web::init(); use i::display; use i::type; use i::conf; use fum::client; my $msg = ''; my $client_status = -1; # no such client if ( $formOp ) {FD:{ if ( $formOp eq 'op_login' ) { if ( defined...
  20. PaulReed

    Intermittent problem with .pl interface in I.E.

    Hi Travis, I haven't looked that those yet... there is a section in my application install files called DBD-mysql-2.9004, maybe something is going on there too? How would you like to come on my server and take a look... for a fee of course. If so how can we get a hold of each other? Thanks

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