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  • Users: kurie
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  1. kurie

    PHP LOGIN Page Recommendation

    Thank you so much, i didnt have that. I appreciate your assistsnce.
  2. kurie

    PHP LOGIN Page Recommendation

    Thanks so much, is this how i display the value of the seesion: echo "here testing=".$_SESSION["myusername"]; I get the foolowing error message: Notice: Undefined variable: _SESSION in C:\xampp\htdocs\DRCWAP\bulkmpush.php on line 3 here testing=
  3. kurie

    PHP LOGIN Page Recommendation

    Thanks you so much, Here is how im doing it. <?php session_start();?> <?php //echo "Herbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbe"; if (isset($_POST['push'])) { //$username = "testing"; //$_POST['UserName']; //$password = "testpass"; //$_POST['Password']; //echo $password; //echo...
  4. kurie

    PHP LOGIN Page Recommendation

    Hi all, im bettling with creating a PHP login page, if i use re-direct from a login page all the session variables will be cleared. Is there a better way to do this. <code> $_SESSION["myusername"] =$username; $_SESSION["credit"] =$credit; $_SESSION["companyid"] =$cid; //echo "success"...
  5. kurie

    Simple SQL Select

    yes, and a.ipkAddress =c.ipfAddressType Its a Sql Server database, even though i scripted the tables in MYSQL.
  6. kurie

    Simple SQL Select

    1. i would like to select all records and where customers have more than 1 Address return the Address with the Address Type = ‘Postal’. Can anyone please help with the above question. CREATE TABLE `bulksms`.`tblContact` ( `ipkContact` INT NOT NULL , `ifkContactType` varchar(10) , `FirstName`...
  7. kurie

    SQL Escape in C#

    Can anyone please help with a function that will accept a string as a parameter and will replace all occurrences of the “’” (apostrophe\single quote) character with the valid SQL equivalent i.e. escape the single quote to be used in a SQL statement. And then return the correctly formatted...
  8. kurie

    Submit on the same page

    thanks so much, much appreciated.
  9. kurie

    Submit on the same page

    Good day all, does anyone know what im doing wrong here, i have a page, and on that i would like to submit a button and check if the button has been submited, on the same page, i dont want to navigate to another page on submit. here is the code. Regards <?php echo "here...
  10. kurie

    PHP and Jquery

    Hi all, Does anyone know of a good webpage with turials on how to sellect data from mysql and display on a page using jquery and php. I want to fetch and display every 30sec without page refresh. Thanks so much Regards
  11. kurie

    How to send a SOAP Request

    i have fixed the above problem, but am now getting Undefined Port Type: http://mesh/}HelloWorld. Do i have to create a port somewhere outside the code. Regards
  12. kurie

    How to send a SOAP Request

    Thank guys for your help, im getting this error message when i try to read from wsdl file: Exception in thread "main" javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: {http://server.hw.demo/}HelloWorld is not a valid service. Valid services are: {http://apache.org/hello_world_soap_http}SOAPService My...
  13. kurie

    How to send a SOAP Request

    Hi Thanks DianCecht, Do i need to install Apache first or i just have to import the jar files. i was wondering where the URL for sending will come from. i have seen the following example: http://cxf.apache.org/docs/a-simple-jax-ws-service.html
  14. kurie

    SOAP Error on Sending with SAAJ0537

    the error message is this,please ignor the one above. java.security.PrivilegedActionException: com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Invalid Content-Type:text/html. Is this an error message instead of a SOAP response?
  15. kurie

    SOAP Error on Sending with SAAJ0537

    Hi all, Does anyone know what might be causing this error message when i try to send a SOAP Request. com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.MessageImpl identifyContentType SEVERE: SAAJ0537: Invalid Content-Type. Could be an error message instead of a SOAP message...
  16. kurie

    How to send a SOAP Request

    Hi TonHu,Thansk for your help, which file am i suppose to download. do i have to install the whole Axis server or there are jar file, i just have to import and then use.
  17. kurie

    How to send a SOAP Request

    Thanks TonHu, but say i already have a wsdl file with the schema, to create the xml file, do i still need that.
  18. kurie

    How to send a SOAP Request

    How do i send a Soap request like the below in Java. Links to SOAP for newbies will be much appreciated as well. Regards POST /Quotation HTTP/1.0 Host: www.xyz.org Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: nnn <?xml version="1.0"?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope...
  19. kurie

    Parse an XML Doc

    given the following XML doucument, how do i get the value of AckRes using Java, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> \n"+ " <AAA> \n" + " <Acknowledge type=\"ReqAck\"> \n"+ " <AuthReqRef>88888</AuthReqRef> \n"+...
  20. kurie

    tabctl32 on windows 7

    hi all, im trying to register a ocx control tabctl32 on a windows 7 machines to run vb6. if i run this command regsvr32 command, it finishes succesfully but if i go on a tab its still returnig the error message that the control is missing. im running as an administrator. is there anything else i...

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