For what it's worth here's the code. This is just a test, ie, the simplest, one-row, one-column table with background colors in body and table td to help spot if the table extends full distance or not. Thanks Jonax and JamesUniguy for your interest.
I've not been able to get a table to fill the entire screen when I set <table width="100%"...>. The table almost fills the screen but stops 10 pixels from the right vertical scroll bar. Refreshing the screen or quickly resizing the screen corrects the problem. What's weird is I don't...
Sorry for the simple beginner's question. I've never used spaces in field names, always use either dot (.) or underscore (_) to link two words together, eg, last_name or
Just received a client's access database that has field names with spaces: "last name", "first...
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