Does your OppsMeeting table contain data that is in the snapshot view?
It might be possible to simply return the data from the OppsMeeting table as of a specific point in time by joining two "sub queries" of the OppsMeeting on the Arrival1 date field.
For example (you'd need to tweak...
First I have an SQL optimization suggestion. You have a few joins that I'm not sure you need, necessarily.
All of your UDFList joins look like they could be consolidated into one join as they seem redundant an not used.
This might be a better way...
INNER JOIN udflists udf
Ahhhh... now I see the thread header... a *text* field.
Interesting, though that if the data type is a date/time field in the db that Crystal would interpret that as a text field when inserted into the report??
So, robwheels, if right-click, "Format Field..." offers date formats, you're golden...
I think you had it right the first time.
Wouldn't right-click, "Format Field...", then choose the format from the combo box be the answer?
In fact, mm/dd/yyyy is one of the standard formats offered, no?
Although you can create a new "@null" formula for the else clause to "force" a nullreturn, the if statement naturally returns null if you simply don't include an "else" clause.
So, your statement would be:
If {@ppbv} <= {@x5} Then
x5 := x5 + 1;
If @ppbv turns out to be >@x5, the above...
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