OUTSTANDING! Worked like a charm.. my first thought was to trim off the millisecods as well but couldnt figure out the proper syntax to do so.. Thank you so much for your help.
Under the selection expert you can select a format with multiple columns then adjust your layout in the corresponding tab.
Create a crosstab then in the crosstab properties you can select horizontal.
Please Help,
Im connecting to a SQL Server via ODBC.
When I look at the Date Time Feild in the Database it is a Sting Value with the following format:
2004-06-08 17:09:47.202 I need to convert this into a DateTime Value..
When I try to apply the formula...
Newbie to Crystal am I!
My first attempt at a report in crystal is gather data for LastFullMonth filtering for Priority 1 Issues. I can gather the data via (ODBC) and present it nicely (even have a litle graph to show number of Incidents perday). I created a formula for Time To Resolution...
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