The columns are Month of a year like Jan Feb...
The rows are TotalTicketCount,TicketPrice,AverageTicketPrice,NumberOfBookings...
I can use summarized field to get these computations and it does right.But I need to label each one on the side so it would be meaningful.
Thanks for your help.
I need Help.
I am using Crystal reports for .NET in VS2003.
I have a Crosstab that calculates 10 summaries.I would like to put horizontal labels to these summaries.I am not able to figure our how to set label to the summaries.I don't see that under the customized style option in crosstab...
No Luck.Please see the image file that I had attached to the mail.The TopN Expert is greyed out..
I had modified the sql to get the top 25 records at the backend.Now I got the resultset ordered but the MarketPair Group option doesn't show 'original...
Thanks Ian and Ibass.
After I selected the CrossTab the TopN Expert is greyed out.I am not able to select it.I know I am missing something basic here.Please help.
I am trying out my first crosstab report and was wondering how to display Top 25 values in CrossTab.
I use CR for.Net VS2003
I have some MarketPairs as rows like
and column are Airlines like
summarized fields are Trip counts.In the...
Hi All,
I have a report that is built in CR10.It has 2 datasource one Interbase connected through ODBC and one Excel through Access/Excel(DAO). I am able to link them and get results in CR10.
When I run the same report under a third party crystal viewer TCR10 Error pops up saying Logon failed...
Created a cross tab which groups by current year month and the summary gives the current YTD value.Now would like to add a column with LastYTD.Is that possible to do in crosstab?
2008- YTD |2007-YTD| jan 08| feb08| ....
Would like to know how to add 2007-YTD...
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