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Search results for query: *

  1. ChrisQuick

    Returning an error code on WScript.Quit

    I have an asp page that uses WSH to run a vbs file named "main.vbs". This in turn runs additional vbs files including one named "groups.vbs". I am trying to get the "groups.vbs" to return an error code on exit back to the main and display it, but the response...
  2. ChrisQuick

    Problem Running WSh from ASP Page

    Never mind. Figured it out cquick@callingpost.com Geographic Information System (GIS), ASP, some Oracle
  3. ChrisQuick

    Problem Running WSh from ASP Page

    am trying to run a vbs file from an ASP page. The line with the .Run throws the error "Permission Denied" Here is the code: Set objWshShell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") strWshCommand = "d:\vbs\main.vbs 0 " & intUserId Response.Write strWshCommand...
  4. ChrisQuick

    Dynamically defined sound with ASP??

    I am looking for advice, code samples and or components capable of building a sound only movie on the fly in ASP. The sound files are currently in MS wave format. cquick@callingpost.com Geographic Information System (GIS), ASP, some Oracle
  5. ChrisQuick

    Response.BinaryWrite rs("image_data") wont change image

    Or another thought, since the parameter really is relevant other than creating uniqueness, use the current date and time.. that way even on a refresh you guet unique names each time. cquick@callingpost.com Geographic Information System (GIS), ASP, some Oracle
  6. ChrisQuick

    Response.BinaryWrite rs("image_data") wont change image

    The image source tags are not diiferent, so on the second (and 3rd, 4th..) it looks in the cache. Try adding a parameter to the query string counter = 0 Do Loop code counter = counter + 1 <img src=&quot;image.asp?image=<%=counter%>&quot; width= etc.. even if you don't do anything with the...
  7. ChrisQuick

    Alert before closing a window.

    Nope. Hitting the X will always close the window. cquick@callingpost.com Geographic Information System (GIS), ASP, some Oracle
  8. ChrisQuick

    Problem generating SQL Scripts

    I have a bunch of stored procedures in a database call it ABC. When I hightlight one or more stored procedure names in ABC and right-click and go to Generate SQL scripts from it I get the error: &quot;csquick is not a valid user in database &quot;XYZ&quot;. I am not trying to script anything...
  9. ChrisQuick

    writeln in NS 6 causes problem

    Well, that works for me too.. but have you tried opening a window and writing frame tags, then writing to one of the frames?? cquick@callingpost.com Geographic Information System (GIS), ASP, some Oracle
  10. ChrisQuick

    IE write to layer

    Layers is for netscape. cquick@callingpost.com Geographic Information System (GIS), ASP, some Oracle
  11. ChrisQuick

    writeln in NS 6 causes problem

    Thanks, UNIMINT, but I still get the same error in both NS 6.1 and 6.2. cquick@callingpost.com Geographic Information System (GIS), ASP, some Oracle
  12. ChrisQuick

    writeln in NS 6 causes problem

    The writeln is used in both netscape and IE.. The problem is that NS 6.1 is not finding the frame that it just created.. cquick@callingpost.com Geographic Information System (GIS), ASP, some Oracle
  13. ChrisQuick

    writeln in NS 6 causes problem

    I am still having this problem with netscape 6.1.. cquick@callingpost.com Geographic Information System (GIS), ASP, some Oracle
  14. ChrisQuick

    writeln in NS 6 causes problem

    Still hoping to find an anwswer to this.. Are there any other sites or forums to search for javascript bugs? cquick@callingpost.com Geographic Information System (GIS), ASP, some Oracle
  15. ChrisQuick

    writeln in NS 6 causes problem

    Is anyone else having problems with javascript and NS 6? cquick@callingpost.com Geographic Information System (GIS), ASP, some Oracle
  16. ChrisQuick

    Is there a way to do rollover text

    try using the title attribute in your input. <input type=&quot;text&quot; title=&quot;Hello Word&quot; name=&quot;whatever&quot;> cquick@callingpost.com Geographic Information System (GIS), ASP, some Oracle
  17. ChrisQuick

    writeln in NS 6 causes problem

    I am opening a window and using writeln to write some frame tags. Then I reference the first frame and try to write to it. Problem: This works fine in IE 5.0, and 5.5. It also works in netscape 4.76 BUT blows up in NS 6.1. Here is the error: Win1.document has no properties line 172. Code...
  18. ChrisQuick

    Automated conversion of files

    I would check into the document management apps by Hummingbird. They have a product for storing documents in over 100 or so different formats, and viewing them later through a web-browser. The product is called CyberDocs. Of course, since it is a full-blown enterprise document manangement...
  19. ChrisQuick

    Quietly notify by email onLoad of a page

    If you are running an IIS based system, you could use ASP and a component such as ASPEmail to do the same thing. The component was free, the last time I looked and comes with code samples. The site is at www.aspemail.com cquick@callingpost.com Geographic Information System (GIS), ASP, some Oracle
  20. ChrisQuick

    Problem with SP and TEXT Column Type

    In theory, we should be able to pass a string larger than 8000 characters for the parameter @NewXMLMapRequest. cquick@callingpost.com Geographic Information System (GIS), ASP, some Oracle

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