OK well do you think that having a second dhcp device on the network would leave a lasting effect on the system?
The issue with the people was the fact that they are only in for a day with the tour production that comes in and it is hard to track down everyone is there a way to isolate two...
yes i believe that this was the case, the whole thing went to sh*t in a hand bag and there was nothing we could do since they denied the thing existed. Yet the web config page was staring them in the face.
So my question is if switching to the 172 or other IP range not currently used as a...
Hi I am a IT worker at a small business of about 10 employees.
We are a performing arts building that does national touring acts about 30 times a year with local community productions in between.
We are only about 6 years old and just got a server based network system last year. Yay! Before...
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