Just read your new posts...The drive is 7200.... I don't think she needs 2gb. All she does is play a few 2D games, chat and internet.
I understand what you mean about the new computer though. They are actually selling some pretty decent internet/email rigs for like $100 with shipping.
Sorry goombawaho, didn't see your reply before I wrote again.
I believe this drive is Hitachi made. They unfortunately don't have something I can run from Windows, which is strange considering this is 2010. It might be stranger that we don't have a blank CD to burn a boot disc considering this...
Sorry to waste anyone's time with this. I think I can actually answer my own question here. Same results from the test, but HDDScan interprets it as a problem, while Everest and WD Diag don't consider the value a problem.
Couple other quick questions regarding this...Is $40 a lot to pay for...
Okay, I haven't bought the RAM yet. It's likely the problem as everyone said, but I have an update.
When I run Everest or WD Life Diag, the drive passes SMART summary on every count.
But when I run HDDScan, the temp has a '!'. Everest reports it as OK.
What's more worrying, HDDScan reports...
Ok, thanks for all the advice and input.
LOL at 'geeks giving RAM to show affection' haha...
That IS one thing I was wondering about. XP's official minimum is 128 and recommended is like 256. My guess was that with service pack updates it became more powerful thus requiring more RAM... And...
The update is fluctuating percentages...Once it was saying 80%. Then it disappeared and came back and said 73% and is now climbing slowly.
I'd like to be able to see what the update is actually doing What update is it downloading..how many are left to download etc...It's a LONG time since this...
I should add that I've run AVG virus and spyware removal, MalwareBytes anti-malware and cleaned up whatever came up there. Also ran everest and another hard drive testing tool. SMART is fine and drive passes tests. There is no 'bloatware' running either.
Please read entirely. I've already tried a few different things to try and figure out the issue. I THINK the problem is not enough RAM, but not sure. Mulled it being a crappy motherboard or hard drive, but now don't believe either of those is the case (motherboard is Asus, chkdisk finds no...
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