Ok, I have edited it:
Sub replaceGuidelines()
Set s1 = Workbooks("HIPAA One Page Wonder_05012006.xls").Sheets("IM")
Set s2 = Workbooks("GuidelinesMapping_oldtonew.xls").Sheets("Sheet1")
intCx = s1.Rows(1).Find("Document Name or Description").Column
intCy = s2.Rows(1).Find("Old...
Ok, here is the macro I recorded...
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
' Macro recorded 5/14/2008 by scpankow
Cells.Replace What:="IM-SEC-G0017", Replacement:="IM-G0057", LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False...
I totally get what you are saying, however, the problem is that I did not create the worksheets and this is how they have to stay. Do you see my problem? Any suggestions would be welcome...
Yes I have tried Edit > Replace on the sheet. The trouble is that I have over 100 of these to find/replace and I dont want to do them all by hand. The macro recorder is giving me alot of junk code and it is confusing to me.
Ok, I am following you. That really helps. Here is what I have so far. Are they in the right order?
Function GuidelinesFindReplace()
Dim srchRng As Range
Set srchRng = Range("s1.columns(intCx)")
Set srchValue = Range("s2.columns(intCx)")
Set s1 = Workbooks("HIPAA One Page...
Well, they kind of go together. For example:
IM-GEN-G0004 - Local and Wide Area Network Security
This is the type of data contained in these fields. I need to search these fields for the old guideline #'s (IM-GEN-G0004) and replace them with the new guideline #'s which is contained on the...
Ok, here is what I have so far, please don't laugh....
Sub GuidelinesFindReplace()
' GuidelinesFindReplace Macro
Windows("HIPAA One Page Wonder_05012006.xls").Activate
Dim oldGuidelines As String
Dim newGuidelines As String...
No, I have not tried that. When I say "newbie" I am being serious. I have had no classes, I am just learning on my own.
I will try and see what I come up with and post what I get.
I have one worksheet that has four columns, Description, Category, New Number, Old Number. I have a second worksheet that has four columns, Sec. Reg. No., HIPAA Req., Doc. Type, and Doc. Name/Description. I need to search the data in the Doc. Name/Description field for Old Numbers and replace...
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