I have to read a file. This file si into a external server, and I read this with telnet. How I can do it with Tcl/TK. I download a library (ftplib.tcl): this library does ftp of the file and than I read in local mode. But I don't read it in lcoal mode, but I want to read it into the server...
Thanks for your help, but I've, now, another problem. My application can't find package Tktable 2.8
Another questions: I have to use tix widget because this is require from my client. The problem is:
if I use second code, the result is ok. If I use the second code with some piece of code from...
I have to make a table whit every cell contain entry widget.
I saw from website and I find that example:
tixScrolledWindow .swin -scrollbar auto
set w [.swin subwidget window]
for {set x 0} {$x < 10} {incr x} {
pack [frame $w.f$x] -side left -fill y -expand yes
for {set y 0} {$y <...
I'm a new Tcl/tk italian programmer. I've any problem to connect my Oracle database to my Tcl/Tk project.
From an example, I saw this code
set token [http_get "http://$userSession(serverHttp).....\
-query [http_formatQuery oraplexec $procName $varName $value]\
-command "function"
I want...
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