I have query that shows 3 columns, I want to be able to ID a change in one new column, each time it changes. Can anyone help me? I want the query to look at the prior record, the query is sorted on time, and if it changes I want the new column to display "change" if there is not a change then...
I am renaming a file using VB. I would like to attach the renamed file to an email, and emial to the same person each day. Can someone help me with the email part of this? Thank you.
Here is my code to rename the file.
Function FileRenameTri()
Dim OldName As String
Dim NewName As String
I have a query where I am formatting the date to mmmmyyyy, That formatted field is a grouping on my report that I want to sort by. The problem is it's sorting the by the alpha and not the date. How do I get it to sort by date?
here is wht is currently looks like on the bad sort.
April 2008...
Can someone help me please? I need to create an Oracle driver ODBC connection in VB. The plan is to call this function when the connection has not been installed on a PC. When called it will create a system DSN with and Oracle ODBC driver.
I have two fields that I would like to find out the difference in minutes. Both fields are text. Is there a way to format the text to time and get the difference.
Time1 Time2
0255 0300
I would like the result to be 5. Because they are text fields I am having an issue.
Can anyone help me please? I will like to email a query only if the record count is greater than zero. It can be a simple EXCEL attachment email.
Either in code or maybe a conditional macro.
thanks, Sean
That is very close, the only thing missing is if the day number is past, I would like it to return next weeks date.
here is what I got.
PickDay Expr7
1 6/17/2007
2 6/18/2007
3 6/19/2007
4 6/20/2007
5 6/21/2007
I would like it to return
PickDay Expr7
1 6/24/2007
2 6/25/2007
3 6/26/2007
Thanks, I think I may be doing it wrong. What is vbSunday?
My field name is [Pickday], when I put that in place of vbSunday, it does date but not the day for the number. here is what it looks like. 1 should be next Sundays Date, 2 should be next Mondays date, 3 should be next Tuesday date, 4...
I have a query that i would like to return the next date for that number. 1 is Sun, 2 is Mon and so on. So if I have a 5, then I want to return the Date of the next Thursday Tomorrow, 062107.
6 would return 062207
7 would return 062307
1 would return 062407
2 would return 062507
3 would return...
Thank you very much, I added code so it would start with a different route numbers depending in the day of week it is ran. Now I am set.
intR = IIf(Format(Date, "ddd") = "Sun", 601, IIf(Format(Date, "ddd") = "Mon", 701, IIf(Format(Date, "ddd") = "Tue", 801, IIf(Format(Date, "ddd") = "Wed", 901...
OK, I'm closer. I just need the stop to start over, at each route number.
Sub Stopseq()
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select PickSeq, Route, Stop_ From Cube1111Seq ORDER BY Route, PickSeq DESC")
intC = 0
intR = 0
Do While Not rs.EOF()
intC = rs!Route
If intC > 0...
I am terrible at this type of coding, this is as close as I could get.
Sub Stopseq()
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select PickSeq, Route, Stop_ From Cube1111Seq ORDER BY Route, PickSeq DESC")
intC = 0
intR = 1
Do While Not rs.EOF()
intC = rs!Route
If intC > 0 Then...
Sorry, One more question, I need to put a [stop] in the same table, it can be an autonumber starting at 01, it needs to be assigned starting with the highiest[PickSeq]number.
PickSeq Route Stop
1 1 10
2 1 09
3 1 08
4 1 07
5 1 06
6 1 05
7 1 04
8 1 03
9 1 02
10 1 01
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