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Search results for query: *

  1. BJZeak

    Struggling with finding an answer to a simple question

    No problem ... my fault ... my question was more in line of "Is there some way in Access to simulate the Form Wizard dialog box?" without having to do the coding shown below ... the example given below is just for Tables, ultimately, I want to take this idea to the field level using the same...
  2. BJZeak

    Struggling with finding an answer to a simple question

    ok so these responses indicate my question is still unclear ... at a high level, think of a flat file that isn't normalized with embedded looped data ... this data comes from XML files generated from online forms not under our control ... currently, we import the flat files then attempt to use...
  3. BJZeak

    Struggling with finding an answer to a simple question

    Expecting the issue is my failure to clearly describe the question MS Access has provided in many of its wizards the ability to selectively pick from a list on the left and add to a list on the right Was looking to implement something like this for a project without reinventing the wheel ...
  4. BJZeak

    Would this simple IoT configuration provide an adequate block to Internet Access?

    This is a Security measure I have been using for over 10 years without really knowing if it is effective. Objective: block an IoT device from any Internet Access but still retain local access. Will the following measures achieve this Objective or can this IOT Device still find a way to call...
  5. BJZeak

    Global Timer Variable

    Trying to do something I thought would be real simple ... basically looking to have a Counter that resides on a PI Raspbian (unix) that could be Cleared, Set, Run and monitored from a node-red client ... this timer is required to control a relay ... on during count and off when 0 ... this is...
  6. BJZeak

    OFS 2016 update KB5001969 causing shared file issues

    So at the very last second, I have tracked down the Manual KB for this issue ace2016-kb4484211-fullfile-x86-glb.exe Installed and confirmed this is the patch I was looking for
  7. BJZeak

    OFS 2016 update KB5001969 causing shared file issues

    KB5001969 has caused an issue where MS ACCESS can no longer open Shared Files ... MS posted an acknowledgment of this issue on 22/Dec/2021 (for 2016 and above) and stated that to correct this, users must manually go to the ACCOUNT screen in ACCESS and press the update Button ... I have 3 OFS Pro...
  8. BJZeak

    Looking to understand the feasibility of creating a SEND only POSTFIX solution for an IOT (pi) ctrlr

    Pi (Raspbian) located on a remote mountain top being used to monitor and control some electronic equipment via an Internet connection ... currently using ssmtp to send I'm alive and Alarm emails to a support email address via gmail's smtp servers ... this gmail service stopped working a while...
  9. BJZeak

    Can a Query have Dynamically filled columns?

    Arg ... Never mind ... completely forgot about using iif in a query ... plus ... didn't help that w3schools doesn't list iif as a function under MSACCESS SQL Functions The Solution is Simply Select *, iif(option="1",[a],iif(option="2",[q] ,[f])) as X1, iif(option="1",[b],iif(option="2",""...
  10. BJZeak

    Can a Query have Dynamically filled columns?

    Trying to eliminate a number of "like" reports that differ only on how N fields are populated from a primary table ... the original designer created N report variations ... now ... any minor changes have to be applied to N reports instead of one ... plus ... adding any filters to this report...
  11. BJZeak

    requery delema

    Sorry in advance ... although I have years of programming experience, my VBA time has been minimal Have an ancient 1997 app (converted to 2003 and running in 2003, 2016, and 2019 versions of Access) that uses conditional formatting to color rows in its child subform control ... a timer control...
  12. BJZeak

    need help with .sql insert statement

    Have a SQL file that is supposed to load configuration data into a database with the following type of statement Insert Into SomeTable(ID,SomeNameField,SomeMediumBlobField) Values('0','SomeName', $FILE{/path/somefile.txt}); I gather the intent is to upload contents of somefile.txt into...
  13. BJZeak

    Looking for some direction with a python project

    Have Python source code in Unix that runs automatically from rc.local at startup which continually - monitors several Analog and Digital inputs - displays any changes based on these inputs Looking to make a rudimentary external CLI interface that would provide virtual inputs in parallel with...
  14. BJZeak

    Looking for direction, preferably Open Source Option, to replace 20+ yr old MS ACCESS Apps

    Thanks Bersani ... looks interesting ... and in principle appears to meet the definition of an "Access" alternative ... in context of what I described, and reading between the lines, my expectation was that an "App Builder" (< $500 one time cost) would build Apps that could be run from any...
  15. BJZeak

    Looking for direction, preferably Open Source Option, to replace 20+ yr old MS ACCESS Apps

    Hello ... I'm looking for some direction/help/suggestions to find an economical all in one Front End Form builder with similar features to MS ACCESS for use in building front end user interfaces for SQL back ends ... ultimately looking to replace/migrate some aging MS Access Apps built over the...
  16. BJZeak

    MSACCESS VBA object Order

    strongm, Thanks for giving me a well deserved KICK ... your comment triggered a vague recollection that I had done investigations into the Hierarchical order of events some time after switching away from FOXPRO in the late 90's ... 45 years of coding across various systems (embedded machine...
  17. BJZeak

    MSACCESS VBA object Order

    Duane the one/dominant/topmost subform that is visible wasn't being called ... the MAIN MENU FORM form_load was not called until there was user activity ... too late in the game Andy I have no doubt there is some relation to some code/configuration ... unfortunately so far this has been like...
  18. BJZeak

    MSACCESS VBA object Order

    As stated, the order in which Access is firing these layered subforms is totally incomprehensible ... tried a number of mods to ascertain the nature of the order and or change the order to no avail ... order remained unchanged Warning KLUDGE Solution: Ended up adding a global STATE flag which...
  19. BJZeak

    MSACCESS VBA object Order

    Several years ago I wrote a generic Start Module which provides user Login/Password, Auto Hide, Remote Shutdown/Lockout and User Level features that could be easily adapted to existing Main Forms ... am using this on several 2003/2016 db application files and allows for nightly orderly shutdowns...
  20. BJZeak

    Unknown action with subform in datasheet mode

    Thanks ... probably comes down to over complication This field's lostfocus event was setting a dirty flag (another field on the record) which in turn was causing the EDIT (Pencil) issue ... may be some cart before the horse scenario whereby the field loosing focus is being given back focus due...

Part and Inventory Search
