Hello everyone,
I'm trying to make wdDialogFileOpen open a docuent(.doc) when the user chooses one and close the current document. If I have a document open and try to open a different one then it works fine but if theres no current document open then it errors. I need a check if a document is...
Okay, I've fixed the bold lettering problem I had. I'm clueless on how I can get/change the files name(SaveAs new revision #) and making it do that same changes to every .doc in the folder. I'll look into DocProperty you speak of. Thanks macropod.
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to program an updater for my .doc in MS Word using VBA. There's 4 fields that I need to change in the .doc. 3 spots are find/replace the revision number with which ever the user inputs in a text box. There's 2 spots I'm stuck with and thats In one find/replace field...
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