<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
function validate_required(field,alerttxt)
with (field)
if (value==null||value=="")
{alert(alerttxt);return false;}
else {return true}
function validate_form4(thisform)
with (thisform)
if (validate_required(Agent_Empid4,"Agent...
I found a bunch of examples but they all get a cdate error message. What I'm looking for is if the user puts in something that doesn't resemble a date such as 12345 that it just does an alert box at submit on form validation. The user should be entering a date similar to military datetime such...
I want to have a command button that on the onclick event gives me a count of this sql/asp code:
<% zero = "SELECT * FROM IVRADM.T_FLFORM_DAT_EMPLOYEE_Quality WHERE (Quality_Status='Sent to Supervisor') AND (Total_Quality_Score=0) AND Supervisory_Employee_ID = '" & user_id & "' ORDER BY...
I have a queue page that counts the number of records based on a certain query to an sql database. It does not update efficiently and I think what I need to do is have an asp subroutine that recalculates everytime a command button is pressed and then does a response.write for the value. Any...
I'm trying to have a text box that the user will copy/paste a file destination into. I'm validating that the user pasted correctly and that the beginning of the string starts with \\ any ideas?
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