Thanks for your inputs.
I solved my problem by using linked tables in an Access Database and connect to it.
This solutions gives suitable results!
I searched SQL Server Manager and saw as Linked Server Provider: "PervasiveOLEDB.8.50".
OLE DB provider "PervasiveOLEDB.8.50" for linked server "(null)" returned message "Multiple-step...
Thanks for your reply!
I tried your connection string:
('Provider=MSDASQL','Driver={Pervasive ODBC Client Interface};DSN=Ridder_Read',
Now I am getting the Error:
OLE DB provider "Provider=MSDASQL" has not been registered
Can someone help me with creating a Connection string to connect from a SQL2005 StoredProcedure to Pervasive 8.5?
Serveral tries do not lead to any succes.
ODBC parameters are...
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