If you have a report with input parameter defined the problem may be that you are passing a different type than what the report expected
For instance a String with the parameter defined as and int
dateYY Between @StartYr And @EndYr
and ACC_No Between '25000000' And '28000000'
And Job_Desc = isnull(@Allowance,Job_Desc)
if the Job_Desc is null the it will be like this:
Job_Desc = Job_Desc wich is always true so in fact it will remove the restriction :D
I used the built...
One other possibility for what appened is:
If the colum value deduct_rule_id of the table py_deduct_rule does not have the same Type of the column
deduct_rule_id of the table py_deduct_rule...
We can oly match columns of the same type bigint with bigint and so on
One alternative is to go to...
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