If you want to look for the last row with data in Column E, then paste your copied data one row below then just change E824 to E1.
Sorry for the double post but I'm not sure how to edit
wsDest.Range("E824").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial _
Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=True
What this does is goes to range E824 then it looks down the column for the next cell with data. If there is not a cell with data below...
Skip -
Thanks for your help once again.To be honest, I do not have to make a chart for each product, it's just the logic I used. I guess I could create a combobox and once the value is changed it would trigger the macro to get the corresponding data?
Thanks again,
Actually, I apologize...
I had some error handling in there which is why I did not see the errors.
I deleted out the error handling and I am getting
Method of 'cells' of object_global failed once it hits the first seriescollection.values code...
I want to make a chart for each Product. Previously, i got the total amount of products in a variable (Total_IPT).Second loop runs down the rows to find the product name. Once it finds the product name what my attempt is anyway is to add a chart, input the source data for each series, the...
I recorded creating the chart. I did not include the titles..
I guess I could use the R1C1 notation but I would like to know what I am currently doing wrong...
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlLineMarkers
Below is Part of my code. I am hoping someone can explain as to why the seriescollection.values do not work properly.An error does not occur but nothing is put into the source data. The series name code changes correctly..
Any help can be appreciated.
Current_Month =...
The code that I posted above works without putting a "=" in there. It also works if I include a "=" & .. Not sure why it works without a = though.
pt.calculatedfields.add "delta", "=" & pt.pivotfields(i).name & "-" & pt.pivotfields(i+1).name
That still gives an error...
With the code posted I was receiving this error:
Run-time error '-2147024882:
The formula you typed contains an error.
After thinking about what I could be doing wrong and figured it out. It always seems to be something very trivial. The code below is correct and works...
I apologize if I am not explaining my situation well enough because it is hard to type what my data looks like. I do use real dates, such as 1/04/2009 Plan as a heading. I was just abbreviating in my message. I would upload a sample of my data but I know you do not like when people do...
The data is in an excel worksheet. THe first 14 columns are "standard" weekly fields but after that it depends on the weekending date.For example, right now, what I call my data file (just has a single tab with all the raw data), has 14 columns plus a column for each; 1/4 actuals, 1/4 plan, 1/11...
Basically I would like to create a calculated field based on certain pivotfields. I run a weekly report for each fiscal month with a plan and actual column. As weeks progress the source data grows. For example 1/4 Plan, 1/4 Actuals, 1/11 Plan, 11/Actuals, etc so the data source columns grow. The...
Thank you for your posts, it is much appreciated. You have helped me throughout each thread I have started.
I have started to teach myself VBA for the past two or so months, how long did it take you to become proficient at it?
I understand it makes it more complex and complicated. But this is how we have to report our accounts. It's mandated by the Government and our Customer that we report to.
We have to report on serveral criteria thats why we have multiple blocks of explanations.
The current month output (that I...
The code I posted previously was a mess because I was trying various things to get on the right path but to no avail. Also, what did wsWS2 stand for? Worksheet?
Basically I want to take wbEV and loop through all the sheets. Each tab is named the Account, say XXX1 - thats why I am looking...
Thank you! I don't know why I didn't think of that.
I am running into another obstacle thought. I will try to explain as thorough as possible.
I have two workbooks with multiple sheets (around 80-100 per WB). Each worksheet contains previous months explanation (colunmns A:C) and current month...
Hey all,
I am having trouble with a small piece of code right now. Basically I want the last row, go 2 rows up and delete the the whats below. There are three total rows at the end of the worksheet I want to get rid of. The code I have is below:
Dim lROW As Integer
lROW =...
Thanks Skip.
I am having a problem that I don't seem to know why it's happening. I have 3 users forms. In ThisWorkbook i have a sub that when the workbook opens frmStart will appear (frmstart.show vbmodeless). Then once you click the start command button the code is inside there. First few...
Thanks for all the help.
Another question:
The number of rows are going to be variable.
intlastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
msgbox intlastrow
Range("A2:I& intlastrow").Name = "DataItems"
The bold portion does not do anything. Is it becasue intlastrow is not a numerical...
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