LB, Remember, I said I am a newbie. I tried what you said, but to no avail. These are the steps I took.
1) Database Expert - Create New Connection - Choose Access/Excel (DAO)
2) Access/Excel (DAO) - Connection - Open, File Name: (I chose Excel Spreadsheet titled "Shipping Report for Crystal")...
Is there any way I can attach the report so you can look at it? I don't know if that is possible or not. I'll try to give you as much info as I can. Open Item by Job Number Report - "Select Expert" {PO1_PurchaseOrderEntryHeader.OrderStatus} in ["B", "C", "N", "O"] and...
I am a newbie to Crystal. Using Crystal 10. Created a report (Open Items by Job)from MAS90 listing open items grouped by Job#. I have an Excel spreadsheet listing Job numbers with the dates they are scheduled to ship. I would like to be able to sort my "Open Items" report by the ship dates...
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