Thank you all for your help. I finally figured it out!
This is my final product/formula:
=IF((F7<=2.0049),25,IF(('CPM 3 Yr. Compare'!M6<='CPM 3 Yr. Compare'!L6),(LOOKUP('Cons Comments 2007 vs...
Thanks for the tip, but it does not quite work. I see/understand your logic (I had tried this before) but yet it does not return with correct result.
Need help with this formula. I would like to add another condition to this formula (see below). The condition is: =IF(F6<=2.0049,25, that is if a certain number is greater than or equal to 2.0049, allocate 25 points, if not then continue with formula below.
=IF('CPM 3 Yr. Compare'!M8<='CPM 3...
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