Thanks, Actually, it means in this solution we are supposed to change all the methods in each components, which is similar to the same solution which I mentioned in my post.
I am looking for some fix which will aviod that changes in components we have more than 100 components which may have...
Recently, we found the issue of Dot Net COM+ components not destroyed properly.
Objects got created but not destroyed after use. Object = Nothing is not destroying the object in some scenarios. This could lead to the hanging of the component or the server and a reboot...
There are couple of things you can do:
1- You need to set the database properties to set the file growth of transaction log by 10 % automatically. Which is called Autogrowth of the file, means when there is a need to increase the file size due to heavy processing then the size will be...
You are missing this part
INTO @variable01, @variables02...
You need to declare variables for each field to save each value into those variables.
Just select those values which you want to use in a loop and define variables for each field.
See this example for the...
It means if you pass 2 or more than 2 arguments (which is only possible with COALESCE ) then it will return you first non-null value from passed arguments:
For Example:
Select COALESCE ('ABC', Null, 'XYZ')
it will return you 'ABC' which is the first non-null...
The Error is not due to Output parameter, error shows that it is with the query....
--SUM UP the volume for each currency(FirstCcy)
Select @Volume1 AS CcyVolume, @FirstCcy AS Ccy
Into #A
GROUP BY @FirstCcy
Group by works on table, you are not selecting anything from any table, so you...
About sysjobhistory, you will not get the history, those will be brand new jobs for that new server.... I won't be worried about history on new server.
The rest of the items will be added when you run that script to create jobs....
Try for one job first and then for the rest of the...
1- Create script of all the jobs in one file, or up to if you want to do one by one then create one file for each job
2- Script has server name, find replace server name with your new server name carefully and make sure you must have proper users as well in new servers.
3- Run the script...
I don't think so, it is not possible in stored procedure. However, timeout actually deals with connections, so if you are calling stored procedure then there is a connection timeout property of command object in VB.NET or C# , you can increase your connection timeout when you call that...
This join should work, try and let us know. Assuming you have relationship in two tables with id columns if not then change join to username.
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
This is much cleaner...
SELECT DISTINCT Cast( as varchar(50) ) AS 'Object Name' ,
WHEN a.type = 'U' THEN 'Table'
WHEN a.type = 'P' THEN 'Stored Procedure'
WHEN a.type = 'V' THEN 'View'
WHEN a.type = 'FN' OR a.type = 'IF' OR...
These are the definition of these types:
C = CHECK constraint
D = Default or DEFAULT constraint
F = FOREIGN KEY constraint
L = Log
FN = Scalar function
IF = Inlined table-function
P = Stored procedure
PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint (type is K)
RF = Replication filter stored procedure
S =...
Hi ;
Thanks SQLSiter for explaining my code.
snoopy80 you can use left join in the above query.
i.Item ,
Isnull(Sum(Qty),0) as CurrentQty ,
from item i
left Join
( Select Item,
Isnull(Sum(Qty),0) as...
I have created your data, here and see the query.
-- crate table
Create table Item (Item varchar(20), itemdate datetime, qty int)
-- insert data
Insert into Item
Select 'AAA' , '5/1/08' , 10
union all
Select 'AAA' , '5/15/08' , 20
union all
Select 'AAA'...
You don't have to use sub query here. You can use like this:
Select 0, m.LINK
from MNAMES m
Left Join GEOBASE g on g.LINK = m.LINK
Left Join PHONES p on m.LINK = p.LINK
Left Join Vehicles v on m.LINK = v.OWNER
Where @FNAME = '-1'
Just for your reference, you can play with datepart function as well to make get your required part of the datetime:
select datepart(yy, '1900-01-01 13:01:45.002')
select datepart(m, '1900-01-01 13:01:45.002')
select datepart(dd, '1900-01-01 13:01:45.002')
select datepart(hh, '1900-01-01...
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