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Search results for query: *

  1. cloverdog

    Combo box dependant on another combo box - Re faq702-4289

    Thank you Majp for your time in getting this working and MH for highlighting my error. It is working perfectly now and I have learned something new:) Best regards Cloverdog
  2. cloverdog

    Combo box dependant on another combo box - Re faq702-4289

    Thank you for your reply. I have added those changes and it is nearly there. The only problem is on clicking CboManufacturer in the Master form I get the following message: Microsoft Office Access can't find the macro 'Me.' The macro doesn't exist... and I notice CboModel...
  3. cloverdog

    Combo box dependant on another combo box - Re faq702-4289

    I have a requirement to develop a database that has a Master form with a combo box and a detail form with a second combo box. This arrangement reflects the one to many relationship of the tables underlying the forms. I have been trying to understand the mechanics of combo boxes in making this...
  4. cloverdog

    Help dismissing Autodialler nag window wanted

    Thank you for your response. Yes I am using VBA for MS Access and did try placing a simple Sendkeys but this didn't run until after manually pressing the <OK> button on the window opened by Autodialler.
  5. cloverdog

    Help dismissing Autodialler nag window wanted

    I have a button on an Access2003 database that calls autodialler to make a call to the number held in the text field of a form using: Application.Run "utility.wlib_AutoDial", strPhoneNum It works well but Autodialler then presents a window (or as I see it a nag) entitled “AutoDialler” showing...
  6. cloverdog

    Change Select query to Subquery with TOP statement

    Please could anyone help modify a query for a report. Currently the query shows a list of payments due for the coming month by accessing a payments table with a parent of tblContract with a parent of tblCustomer. It shows each client, their bank (.NC field) , PaymentDue and uses the...
  7. cloverdog

    list one record and only one record for each postcode in a database

    Hello Thank you all for your help. I finally got the query working and in case anyone else wants it the simplified version is: SELECT tblCustomer.[Post Code], tblCustomer.CustomerID FROM tblCustomer WHERE (((tblCustomer.CustomerID)=(SELECT Max(Temp.[CustomerID]) FROM tblCustomer as Temp WHERE...
  8. cloverdog

    list one record and only one record for each postcode in a database

    Thank you but I tried this. It only returns 1 record but I need one record for every postcode.
  9. cloverdog

    list one record and only one record for each postcode in a database

    I have a simple query which I am using to retrieve the first record found for each post code from a customer database. It doesn’t matter which of say 5 records for a postcode is returned but it must return one and only one. I have tried using the first() function but I am either using it...
  10. cloverdog

    Query to return sum of sales between 2 dates

    I managed to do it using subqueries. For anyone else who may be looking here it is: SELECT Sum(Mysum) AS MyTot FROM (SELECT tblPayments2006.PaymentDue, tblPayments2006.Amount AS MySum FROM tblPayments2006 WHERE (((tblPayments2006.PaymentDue)>=#6/1/2012# And...
  11. cloverdog

    Query to return sum of sales between 2 dates

    Hello. I need to return the SUM of sales between two dates and save them into a variable. I have a query that returns all the sales but I can’t see how to get it to sum them all up and return a single cell with the value of all the sales ie 5,756.34 instead of a long column of values. I have...
  12. cloverdog

    AppActivate ( ) not happening until I click to return focus

    Sorted it! Thank you Lameid and Fumei for your posts. I hate to say it but, being in a hurry, I pasted code from an MS help example. Something which should not be done. All I needed to do was set the boolean parameter in AppActivate to False. Setting it to FALSE tells the calling...
  13. cloverdog

    AppActivate ( ) not happening until I click to return focus

    Thank you Lameid. I came to the same conclusion but really wanted to know if there was something I was missing. I have tried swapping Firefox for Internet Explorer with the same result (ie not being able to switch back to Word). There are times when it is very useful to be able to switch...
  14. cloverdog

    AppActivate ( ) not happening until I click to return focus

    I have written a small routine in VBA originally using MS Word VBA but now in Access VBA. The sub( ) is triggered by a Button on a form. It Opens ‘Word’ and ‘Firefox’ copies the initial web page and pastes it into ‘Word’. It works but for one thing. Once started it runs down as far as...
  15. cloverdog

    Get ComboBox ID value from table where set to display NAME

    Dear all Actually Lilliabeth was right I was using a 'lookup field' although I didn't know it was called that before this post. I used the term combo box because that was the control type I selected on the ‘Lookup’ tab at the bottom in table design view to set it up. Bearing in mind this...
  16. cloverdog

    Get ComboBox ID value from table where set to display NAME

    Thank you Lillabeth. I have used this feature before but only for limited working use. I wanted a quick easy method of adding a simple feature to meet an immediate need where time was short. Having found I couldn't make it do what I wanted I just had to know if it was possible or not...
  17. cloverdog

    Get ComboBox ID value from table where set to display NAME

    Please could someone tell me if it is possible to access the value of the bound column of a combobox in a table where its columnwidth is set to 0. I need to be able to display NAME in table view for the user but I need to be able to get the ID value from a regular query. I have 2 tables The...
  18. cloverdog

    word document build list of tags of type &lt;&lt;Some-Chars&gt;&gt;

    That was exactly what I wanted to do and you even added the code to save into the collection. Thank you Fumei.
  19. cloverdog

    word document build list of tags of type &lt;&lt;Some-Chars&gt;&gt;

    Hello I wonder if a Word vba expert might be able to help. I have created some template letters as word documents which contain tags which can be searched and replaced from an MS Access application. An example tag is <<T-CU-FirstName>>. When I press a letter button in Access I want to be able...

Part and Inventory Search
