That makes sense. Actually the script I was talking about had been sent to me on email so I don't know the origin of it. I just jumped to the conclusion that it had something to do with samba as I can't remember having that problem with ftp. Jumping to conclusions, sorry!! :-)
Good idea, it might be a version thing. I am running Samba 2.0.0 (ready made package which I downloaded from the web) on Solaris 2.6 although will be changing to Solaris 8 soon, and my PC is running Windows 2000.
Any ideas as to how, when I copy files from PC to my samba share using Windows...
Thank you for that, I will give it a go. It will definitely help getting rid of all those ^Ms. I thought there might be a smb.conf keyword that might carry out a dos2unix automatically. I couldn't see one that might though so thanks for the script.
I have got Samba up and running, and everything is working great. The only issue I have encountered is that when I copy a text file (e.g. a script) from PC across to the UNIX using Windows Explorer, then go to edit the file in UNIX using vi, all the carriage returns have been substituted with...
Ok, It's all working now! Thank you for all your help! I don't know why I couldn't see my samba server from my PC Windows Explorer before but when I added my PC's IP address to the /etc/hosts file on UNIX and then rebooted my PC I could see the samba server and all my shares. And on top of that...
ok, This is what I did...killed the nmbd daemon, added the lines for netbios-ssn and netbios-ns to the /etc/inetd.conf file and added swat to the /etc/services file. When I then stopped and started the inetd daemon I got a message in /var/adm/messages saying netbios...blah..unknown service, so...
Right, let me try and answer your questions. I was originally trying to start it using entries for netbios-ssn and netbios-ns in inetd.conf and services because I would rather use that method, and it worked ok for a while, but then the smbd daemon stopped and so I commented out the inetd.conf...
Thanks for your suggestions. Much appreciated. I have been looking around on the web as well and have found a sun product called SUNPCi II which is a card with Windows on it which you put in your UNIX box which allows you to run Windows Apps across the network, and at the same time allow NT...
This may sound strange but I have been asked if there is a way of users being able to access software such as Excel on the unix workstations. I have no idea. I have tried to install Star Office (in case you were wondering why I don't use that as an alternative) but it stole all my screen...
I have managed to get Samba working between Solaris 2.6 and my Windows 2000 PC. I can see the shares ok on my PC and if I add a share in my smb.conf the PC registers this. However my smbd is not running and refuses to run. I am trying to run it along with the nmbd daemon (which works)from a...
Thanks rgzimmer,
I managed to sort the problem in the end by reinstalling the backup software, this seemed to clear up the problem (for now!).
Thanks again,
Ran full backup over the weekend, and now have all sorts of error messages in daemon.log. When I open NWadmin, I can't do anything as the message "Server Not Responding" appears, and when I try to run nsr or mm commands from the command line the message "RPCbind: Can't bind to...
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