Once the data is recored, and the email sent. I would like to remove all records, so that the following day when there is new record sets the data will remain accurate.
Thanks PHV
*** full solution****
It has taken ages for me to finish this, so i thought i would share what i have done. Please use this as a rough guide...
When i created this script, the objective was to apply a wake up script to a select group of networked client PC's at x time in the morning, then...
one more quick question, i would like to be able to truncate the SQL table once the script is complete, is this possibe with VBS? and if so any pointers?
I'm so close I can taste it. I have tested all segments of this query. The email function, and the array works independently. The trusty message box proves it... I just can’t seem to pass the data from my array into the email... so close I can smell it.. any help would be great!
i would say my script skills are more luck than judgement! i seem to muddle though.
seems to be a problem with the array, im not sure if it is passing variables correctly.. to them send the emails but at present the script does not get much further than line 39 - just before the email...
Hi all,
i have been using thread329-1266538 to help me but i seem to have hit a wall.
I have written a client log on script, that starts a particular group of computers in the AM. This then writes to a table in SQL when a PC starts.
My next stage is to use data from a view i have created...
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